NOTE: This page has been revised for Winter 2024, but may undergo further edits.

1 Introduction

Principal components analysis (PCA) is a widely used multivariate analysis method, the general aim of which is to reveal systematic covariations among a group of variables. The analysis can be motivated in a number of different ways, including (in geographical or Earth-system science contexts) finding groups of variables that measure the same underlying dimensions of a data set, describing the basic anomaly patterns that appear in spatial data sets, or producing a general index of the common variation of a set of variables. The analysis is also known as factor analysis in many contexts, or eigenvector analysis or EOF analysis (for “empirical orthogonal functions”) in meteorology and climatology.

1.1 A simple example

A classic data set for illustrating PCA is one that appears in John C. Davis’s 2002 book Statistics and data analysis in geology, Wiley (UO Library, QE48.8 .D38 2002). The data consist of 25 boxes or blocks with random dimensions (the long, intermediate and short axes of the boxes), plus some derived variables, like the length of the longest diagonal that can be contained within a box.

Here’s the data: [boxes.csv]

1.2 Read and subset the data

First, only two variables will be analyzed, in order to be able to visualize how the components are defined. Read the data:

# read a .csv file of Davis's data
boxes_path <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/csv_files/"
boxes_name <- "boxes.csv"
boxes_file <- paste(boxes_path, boxes_name, sep="")
boxes <- read.csv(boxes_file) 
## 'data.frame':    25 obs. of  7 variables:
##  $ long   : num  3.76 8.59 6.22 7.57 9.03 5.51 3.27 8.74 9.64 9.73 ...
##  $ inter  : num  3.66 4.99 6.14 7.28 7.08 3.98 0.62 7 9.49 1.33 ...
##  $ short  : num  0.54 1.34 4.52 7.07 2.59 1.3 0.44 3.31 1.03 1 ...
##  $ diag   : num  5.28 10.02 9.84 12.66 11.76 ...
##  $ sphere : num  9.77 7.5 2.17 1.79 4.54 ...
##  $ axis   : num  13.74 10.16 2.73 2.1 6.22 ...
##  $ areavol: num  4.782 2.13 1.089 0.822 1.276 ...

Make a matrix of two variables long (long axis of each box), and diag (longest diagonal that fits in a box).

boxes_matrix <- data.matrix(cbind(boxes[,1],boxes[,4]))
dimnames(boxes_matrix) <- list(NULL, cbind("long","diag"))

Examine a scatter plot, and get the correlations between the variables:

par(pty="s") # square plotting frame

##           long      diag
## long 1.0000000 0.9112586
## diag 0.9112586 1.0000000

The two variables are obviously related, but not exactly (because the other dimensions of the box, the short and intermediate axis length) also influence the longest diagonal value.

1.3 PCA of the two-variable example

Do a PCA using the princomp() function from the stats package. The loadings() function extracts the loadings or the correlations between the input variables and the new components, and the the biplot() function creates a biplot – a single figure that plots the loadings as vectors and the component scores (or the value of each component) as points represented by the observation numbers.

boxes_pca <- princomp(boxes_matrix, cor=T)
## Call:
## princomp(x = boxes_matrix, cor = T)
## Standard deviations:
##   Comp.1   Comp.2 
## 1.382483 0.297895 
##  2  variables and  25 observations.
## Importance of components:
##                           Comp.1    Comp.2
## Standard deviation     1.3824828 0.2978950
## Proportion of Variance 0.9556293 0.0443707
## Cumulative Proportion  0.9556293 1.0000000
## Loadings:
##      Comp.1 Comp.2
## long  0.707  0.707
## diag  0.707 -0.707
##                Comp.1 Comp.2
## SS loadings       1.0    1.0
## Proportion Var    0.5    0.5
## Cumulative Var    0.5    1.0

The component standard deviation values describe the importance of each component, and the proportion of the total variance of all variables being analyzed accounted for by each component.

Note the angle between the vectors on the bipolt–the correlation between two variables is equal to the cosine of the angle between the vectors (θ), or r = cos(θ). Here the angle is 24.3201359, which is found by the following R code: acos(cor(boxes_matrix[,1],boxes_matrix[,2]))/((2*pi)/360).

The components can be drawn on the scatter plot as follows:

# get parameters of component lines (after Everitt & Rabe-Hesketh)
load <- boxes_pca$loadings
slope <- load[2,]/load[1,]
mn <- apply(boxes_matrix,2,mean)
intcpt <- mn[2]-(slope*mn[1])

# scatter plot with the two new axes added
par(pty="s") # square plotting frame
xlim <- range(boxes_matrix) # overall min, max
plot(boxes_matrix, xlim=xlim, ylim=xlim, pch=16, cex=0.5, col="purple") # both axes same length
abline(intcpt[1],slope[1],lwd=2) # first component solid line
abline(intcpt[2],slope[2],lwd=2,lty=2) # second component dashed
legend("right", legend = c("PC 1", "PC 2"), lty = c(1, 2), lwd = 2, cex = 1)

# projections of points onto PCA 1
y1 <- intcpt[1]+slope[1]*boxes_matrix[,1]
x1 <- (boxes_matrix[,2]-intcpt[1])/slope[1]
y2 <- (y1+boxes_matrix[,2])/2.0
x2 <- (x1+boxes_matrix[,1])/2.0
segments(boxes_matrix[,1],boxes_matrix[,2], x2, y2, lwd=2,col="purple")

This plot illustrates the idea of the first (or “principal” component) providing an optimal summary of the data–no other line drawn on this scatter plot would produce a set of projected values of the data points onto the line with greater variance. The line also appears similar to a regression line, and in fact and PCA of two variables (as here) is equivalent to a “reduced major-axis” regression analysis.

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2 Derivation of principal components and their properties

The formal derivation of principal components analysis requires the use of matix algebra.

Because the components are derived by solving a particular optimization problem, they naturally have some “built-in” properties that are desirable in practice (e.g. maximum variability). In addition, there are a number of other properties of the components that can be derived:

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3 A second example: Controls of mid-Holocene aridity in Eurasia

The data set here is a “stacked” data set of output from thirteen “PMIP3” simulations of mid-Holocene climate (in particular, the long-term mean differences between the mid-Holocene simulations and those for the pre-industrial period) for a region in northern Eurasia. The objective of the analysis was to examine the systematic relationship among a number of different climate variables as part of understanding the mismatch between the simulations and paleoenvironmental observations (reconstructions), where the simulations were in general drier and warmer than the climate reconstructed from the data. (See Bartlein, P.J., S.P. Harrison and K. Izumi, 2017, Underlying causes of Eurasian mid-continental aridity in simulations of mid-Holocene climate, Geophysical Research Letters 44:1-9,

The variable include:

The data set was assebled by stacking the monthly long-term mean differneces from each model on top of one another, creating a 13 x 12 row by 24 column array. This arrangement of the data will reveal the common variations in the seasonal cycles of the long-term mean differences.

3.1 Read and transform the data

Load necessary packages.

# pca of multimodel means

Read the data:

# read data
datapath <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/csv_files/"
csvfile <- "aavesModels_ltmdiff_NEurAsia.csv"
input_data <- read.csv(paste(datapath, csvfile, sep=""))
mm_data_in <- input_data[,3:30]
##  [1] "Kext"  "Kn"    "Ln"    "Qn"    "Qe"    "Qh"    "Qg"    "bowen" "alb"   "ta"    "tas"   "ts"   
## [13] "ua"    "va"    "omg"   "uas"   "vas"   "slp"   "Qdv"   "shm"   "clt"   "pre"   "evap"  "pme"  
## [25] "sm"    "ro"    "dS"    "snd"
##       Kext                Kn                 Ln                  Qn                 Qe         
##  Min.   :-13.6300   Min.   :-14.1700   Min.   :-6.001000   Min.   :-13.9000   Min.   :-8.0500  
##  1st Qu.:-10.4225   1st Qu.: -5.5927   1st Qu.:-1.111500   1st Qu.: -4.0630   1st Qu.:-1.1265  
##  Median : -6.4320   Median : -2.4285   Median : 0.299050   Median : -1.7405   Median :-0.5851  
##  Mean   :  0.3369   Mean   :  0.4261   Mean   :-0.005344   Mean   :  0.4208   Mean   :-0.1175  
##  3rd Qu.:  7.7847   3rd Qu.:  3.9592   3rd Qu.: 1.561250   3rd Qu.:  3.1260   3rd Qu.: 0.4831  
##  Max.   : 27.9600   Max.   : 18.0700   Max.   : 3.333000   Max.   : 16.1200   Max.   : 7.9230  
##        Qh                Qg              bowen                 alb                  ta         
##  Min.   :-5.1570   Min.   :-5.0070   Min.   :-9.870e+04   Min.   :-0.780800   Min.   :-2.2300  
##  1st Qu.:-1.9760   1st Qu.:-0.9643   1st Qu.: 0.000e+00   1st Qu.:-0.001757   1st Qu.:-0.7361  
##  Median :-0.8945   Median :-0.2530   Median : 0.000e+00   Median : 0.356050   Median :-0.3137  
##  Mean   : 0.3968   Mean   : 0.1404   Mean   : 2.826e+13   Mean   : 0.705529   Mean   : 0.1110  
##  3rd Qu.: 2.0897   3rd Qu.: 1.3645   3rd Qu.: 1.000e+00   3rd Qu.: 1.113250   3rd Qu.: 0.8729  
##  Max.   :12.0900   Max.   : 6.3150   Max.   : 2.650e+15   Max.   : 6.185000   Max.   : 3.1420  
##       tas                 ts                 ua                 va                 omg            
##  Min.   :-2.76900   Min.   :-2.88700   Min.   :-0.98680   Min.   :-0.495200   Min.   :-3.320e-03  
##  1st Qu.:-0.92268   1st Qu.:-0.96540   1st Qu.:-0.35147   1st Qu.:-0.134500   1st Qu.:-6.360e-04  
##  Median :-0.42775   Median :-0.43625   Median :-0.09715   Median :-0.003020   Median :-9.845e-05  
##  Mean   :-0.02964   Mean   :-0.02853   Mean   :-0.07626   Mean   : 0.002278   Mean   :-1.757e-04  
##  3rd Qu.: 0.82620   3rd Qu.: 0.82827   3rd Qu.: 0.15207   3rd Qu.: 0.126825   3rd Qu.: 2.918e-04  
##  Max.   : 3.14600   Max.   : 3.34300   Max.   : 1.22400   Max.   : 0.492300   Max.   : 1.370e-03  
##       uas                 vas                slp               Qdv                  shm            
##  Min.   :-0.375000   Min.   :-0.13690   Min.   :-358.90   Min.   :-5.390e-10   Min.   :-5.020e-04  
##  1st Qu.:-0.104800   1st Qu.:-0.03717   1st Qu.:-114.83   1st Qu.:-5.603e-11   1st Qu.:-9.333e-05  
##  Median :-0.022700   Median : 0.02635   Median : -11.97   Median :-1.990e-11   Median :-2.340e-05  
##  Mean   :-0.008201   Mean   : 0.02238   Mean   : -48.91   Mean   :-1.825e-11   Mean   : 6.629e-05  
##  3rd Qu.: 0.092525   3rd Qu.: 0.07550   3rd Qu.:  45.24   3rd Qu.: 3.635e-11   3rd Qu.: 1.655e-04  
##  Max.   : 0.591500   Max.   : 0.22940   Max.   : 126.30   Max.   : 2.030e-10   Max.   : 9.930e-04  
##       clt               pre                 evap                pme                 sm         
##  Min.   :-5.8260   Min.   :-0.266700   Min.   :-0.278200   Min.   :-0.26930   Min.   :-40.330  
##  1st Qu.:-0.8750   1st Qu.:-0.037850   1st Qu.:-0.037825   1st Qu.:-0.04333   1st Qu.:-11.960  
##  Median : 0.2599   Median :-0.000015   Median :-0.016950   Median : 0.00441   Median : -5.433  
##  Mean   :-0.1085   Mean   :-0.012835   Mean   :-0.001746   Mean   :-0.01109   Mean   : -9.501  
##  3rd Qu.: 1.0036   3rd Qu.: 0.023350   3rd Qu.: 0.016725   3rd Qu.: 0.03058   3rd Qu.: -3.272  
##  Max.   : 2.4320   Max.   : 0.104900   Max.   : 0.273700   Max.   : 0.10930   Max.   :  7.799  
##        ro                  dS                 snd            
##  Min.   :-0.288000   Min.   :-0.424700   Min.   :-0.0056800  
##  1st Qu.:-0.020650   1st Qu.:-0.052750   1st Qu.:-0.0000117  
##  Median :-0.006690   Median : 0.012300   Median : 0.0054200  
##  Mean   :-0.008101   Mean   :-0.006516   Mean   : 0.0094521  
##  3rd Qu.: 0.000247   3rd Qu.: 0.044000   3rd Qu.: 0.0156750  
##  Max.   : 0.439200   Max.   : 0.262900   Max.   : 0.0593000  
##                                          NA's   :2

There are a few fix-ups to do. Recode a few missing (NA) values of snow depth to 0.0:

# recode a few NA's to zero
mm_data_in$snd[$snd)] <- 0.0

Remove some uncessary or redundant variable:

# remove uneccesary variables
dropvars <- names(mm_data_in) %in% c("Kext","bowen","sm","evap")
mm_data <- mm_data_in[!dropvars]
##  [1] "Kn"  "Ln"  "Qn"  "Qe"  "Qh"  "Qg"  "alb" "ta"  "tas" "ts"  "ua"  "va"  "omg" "uas" "vas" "slp"
## [17] "Qdv" "shm" "clt" "pre" "pme" "ro"  "dS"  "snd"

3.2 Correlations among variables

It’s useful to look at the correlations among the long-term mean differences among the variables. This could be done using a matrix scatterplot (plot(mm_data, pch=16, cex=0.5), but there are enough variables (24) to make that difficult to interpret. Another approach is to look at a corrplot() image:

cor_mm_data <- cor(mm_data)
corrplot(cor_mm_data, method="color")

The plaid-like appearance of the plot suggests that there are several groups of variables whose variations of long-term mean differences throughout the year are similar.

The correlations can also be illustrated by plotting the correlations as a network graph using the qgraph() function, with the strength of the correlations indicated by the width of the lines (or “edges”), and the sign by the color (green = positive and magenta = negative).

qgraph(cor_mm_data, title="Correlations, multi-model ltm differences over months",
  # layout = "spring", 
  posCol = "darkgreen", negCol = "darkmagenta", arrows = FALSE,
  node.height=0.5, node.width=0.5, vTrans=128, edge.width=0.75, label.cex=1.0,
  width=7, height=5, normalize=TRUE, edge.width=0.75 ) 

A useful variant of this plot is provided by using the strength of the correlations to arrange the nodes (i.e. the variables). This is done by using the “Fruchterman-Reingold” algorithm that invokes the concept of spring tension pulling the nodes of the more highly correlated variables toward one another.

qgraph(cor_mm_data, title="Correlations, multi-model ltm differences over months",
  layout = "spring", repulsion = 0.75,
  posCol = "darkgreen", negCol = "darkmagenta", arrows = FALSE,
  node.height=0.5, node.width=0.5, vTrans=128, edge.width=0.75, label.cex=1.0,
  width=7, height=5, normalize=TRUE, edge.width=0.75 ) 

3.3 PCA of the PMIP 3 data

Do a principal components analysis of the long-term mean differneces using the principal() function from the psych package. Initiall, extract eight components:

nfactors <- 8
mm_pca_unrot <- principal(mm_data, nfactors = nfactors, rotate = "none")
## Principal Components Analysis
## Call: principal(r = mm_data, nfactors = nfactors, rotate = "none")
## Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
##       PC1   PC2   PC3   PC4   PC5   PC6   PC7   PC8   h2    u2 com
## Kn   0.95 -0.09  0.02 -0.19  0.00  0.12  0.00 -0.14 0.99 0.013 1.2
## Ln  -0.79  0.36  0.16  0.09 -0.25  0.02 -0.06  0.21 0.91 0.090 2.0
## Qn   0.94  0.01  0.08 -0.21 -0.08  0.16 -0.02 -0.11 0.98 0.018 1.2
## Qe   0.68  0.44  0.02 -0.03 -0.33  0.44  0.04  0.10 0.97 0.034 3.1
## Qh   0.91 -0.18 -0.04 -0.18  0.08  0.02 -0.05 -0.18 0.94 0.060 1.3
## Qg   0.69 -0.18  0.35 -0.31 -0.04 -0.01 -0.03 -0.15 0.76 0.241 2.2
## alb -0.64 -0.30 -0.32 -0.38  0.09  0.15 -0.03  0.30 0.87 0.126 3.5
## ta   0.91  0.23 -0.13  0.12  0.07 -0.14  0.05  0.08 0.95 0.049 1.3
## tas  0.93  0.23 -0.09  0.12  0.07 -0.10  0.04  0.05 0.96 0.043 1.2
## ts   0.93  0.22 -0.09  0.11  0.08 -0.10  0.04  0.04 0.96 0.043 1.2
## ua  -0.26  0.39  0.06  0.10  0.71  0.31 -0.19  0.11 0.88 0.123 2.6
## va   0.73  0.30 -0.06  0.02  0.19 -0.30  0.00  0.07 0.75 0.250 1.9
## omg  0.27 -0.50  0.02  0.53 -0.20 -0.07  0.22  0.24 0.75 0.252 3.7
## uas -0.74  0.09  0.05 -0.06  0.15  0.36  0.42 -0.22 0.94 0.064 2.5
## vas -0.67  0.37 -0.03  0.03  0.13 -0.04  0.57 -0.05 0.93 0.072 2.7
## slp -0.89 -0.14  0.12  0.17 -0.22 -0.05 -0.01 -0.04 0.92 0.083 1.3
## Qdv  0.01 -0.39  0.00  0.70  0.11  0.37 -0.24 -0.11 0.86 0.138 2.6
## shm  0.79  0.37 -0.19  0.08 -0.08  0.06  0.07  0.30 0.92 0.083 2.0
## clt -0.65  0.30  0.44 -0.06 -0.24 -0.05 -0.18 -0.14 0.82 0.179 3.0
## pre  0.02  0.89  0.18  0.02 -0.21  0.20 -0.11  0.06 0.92 0.081 1.4
## pme -0.78  0.38  0.15  0.05  0.19 -0.30 -0.14 -0.04 0.92 0.077 2.2
## ro   0.10 -0.16  0.89 -0.04  0.21 -0.09  0.07  0.25 0.96 0.040 1.4
## dS  -0.65  0.38 -0.55  0.07 -0.04 -0.16 -0.13 -0.20 0.96 0.035 3.1
## snd -0.67 -0.28 -0.25 -0.41 -0.02  0.09 -0.10  0.30 0.86 0.141 3.0
##                         PC1  PC2  PC3  PC4  PC5  PC6  PC7  PC8
## SS loadings           12.18 2.85 1.76 1.40 1.09 0.94 0.76 0.68
## Proportion Var         0.51 0.12 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.03
## Cumulative Var         0.51 0.63 0.70 0.76 0.80 0.84 0.87 0.90
## Proportion Explained   0.56 0.13 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.03
## Cumulative Proportion  0.56 0.69 0.78 0.84 0.89 0.93 0.97 1.00
## Mean item complexity =  2.1
## Test of the hypothesis that 8 components are sufficient.
## The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is  0.03 
##  with the empirical chi square  69.66  with prob <  1 
## Fit based upon off diagonal values = 1

The analysis suggests that only five components are as “important” as any of the original (standardized) variables, so repeate the analysis extracting just five components:

nfactors <- 5
mm_pca_unrot <- principal(mm_data, nfactors = nfactors, rotate = "none")
## Principal Components Analysis
## Call: principal(r = mm_data, nfactors = nfactors, rotate = "none")
## Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
##       PC1   PC2   PC3   PC4   PC5   h2    u2 com
## Kn   0.95 -0.09  0.02 -0.19  0.00 0.95 0.048 1.1
## Ln  -0.79  0.36  0.16  0.09 -0.25 0.86 0.137 1.8
## Qn   0.94  0.01  0.08 -0.21 -0.08 0.94 0.056 1.1
## Qe   0.68  0.44  0.02 -0.03 -0.33 0.76 0.237 2.2
## Qh   0.91 -0.18 -0.04 -0.18  0.08 0.91 0.094 1.2
## Qg   0.69 -0.18  0.35 -0.31 -0.04 0.73 0.266 2.1
## alb -0.64 -0.30 -0.32 -0.38  0.09 0.76 0.244 2.7
## ta   0.91  0.23 -0.13  0.12  0.07 0.92 0.077 1.2
## tas  0.93  0.23 -0.09  0.12  0.07 0.94 0.058 1.2
## ts   0.93  0.22 -0.09  0.11  0.08 0.94 0.057 1.2
## ua  -0.26  0.39  0.06  0.10  0.71 0.74 0.264 1.9
## va   0.73  0.30 -0.06  0.02  0.19 0.66 0.344 1.5
## omg  0.27 -0.50  0.02  0.53 -0.20 0.64 0.359 2.8
## uas -0.74  0.09  0.05 -0.06  0.15 0.58 0.423 1.1
## vas -0.67  0.37 -0.03  0.03  0.13 0.60 0.403 1.7
## slp -0.89 -0.14  0.12  0.17 -0.22 0.91 0.086 1.3
## Qdv  0.01 -0.39  0.00  0.70  0.11 0.65 0.348 1.6
## shm  0.79  0.37 -0.19  0.08 -0.08 0.82 0.179 1.6
## clt -0.65  0.30  0.44 -0.06 -0.24 0.77 0.234 2.6
## pre  0.02  0.89  0.18  0.02 -0.21 0.86 0.137 1.2
## pme -0.78  0.38  0.15  0.05  0.19 0.81 0.190 1.7
## ro   0.10 -0.16  0.89 -0.04  0.21 0.88 0.118 1.2
## dS  -0.65  0.38 -0.55  0.07 -0.04 0.88 0.118 2.6
## snd -0.67 -0.28 -0.25 -0.41 -0.02 0.75 0.246 2.4
##                         PC1  PC2  PC3  PC4  PC5
## SS loadings           12.18 2.85 1.76 1.40 1.09
## Proportion Var         0.51 0.12 0.07 0.06 0.05
## Cumulative Var         0.51 0.63 0.70 0.76 0.80
## Proportion Explained   0.63 0.15 0.09 0.07 0.06
## Cumulative Proportion  0.63 0.78 0.87 0.94 1.00
## Mean item complexity =  1.7
## Test of the hypothesis that 5 components are sufficient.
## The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is  0.05 
##  with the empirical chi square  231.12  with prob <  0.00063 
## Fit based upon off diagonal values = 0.99

3.4 qgraph plot of the principal components

The first plot below shows the components as square nodes, and the orignal variables as circular nodes. The second modifies that first plot by applying the “spring” layout.

qg_pca <- qgraph(loadings(mm_pca_unrot), 
  posCol = "darkgreen", negCol = "darkmagenta", arrows = FALSE, 
  labels=c(names(mm_data),as.character(seq(1:nfactors))), vTrans=128)

qgraph(qg_pca, title="Component loadings, all models over all months",
  layout = "spring", 
  posCol = "darkgreen", negCol = "darkmagenta", arrows = FALSE,
  node.height=0.5, node.width=0.5, vTrans=128, edge.width=0.75, label.cex=1.0,
  width=7, height=5, normalize=TRUE, edge.width=0.75 )

3.5 Rotated components

The interpretability of the componets can often be improved by “rotation” of the components, which amounts to slightly moving the PCA axes relative to the original variable axes, while still maintaining the orthogonality (or “uncorrelatedness”) of the components. This has the effect of reducing the importance of the first component(s) (because the adjusted axes are no longer optimal), but this trade-off is usually worth it.

Here are the results:

nfactors <- 4
mm_pca_rot <- principal(mm_data, nfactors = nfactors, rotate = "varimax")
## Principal Components Analysis
## Call: principal(r = mm_data, nfactors = nfactors, rotate = "varimax")
## Standardized loadings (pattern matrix) based upon correlation matrix
##       RC1   RC2   RC3   RC4   h2    u2 com
## Kn   0.67 -0.67  0.22  0.10 0.95 0.048 2.2
## Ln  -0.42  0.78 -0.04  0.09 0.80 0.201 1.6
## Qn   0.71 -0.58  0.26  0.15 0.94 0.062 2.3
## Qe   0.78 -0.08  0.07  0.19 0.66 0.344 1.2
## Qh   0.59 -0.72  0.15  0.06 0.90 0.100 2.1
## Qg   0.38 -0.54  0.51  0.18 0.73 0.268 3.0
## alb -0.75 -0.05 -0.33  0.25 0.75 0.253 1.6
## ta   0.89 -0.35 -0.02 -0.05 0.92 0.082 1.3
## tas  0.90 -0.35  0.02 -0.04 0.94 0.063 1.3
## ts   0.90 -0.37  0.03 -0.04 0.94 0.062 1.3
## ua   0.02  0.47 -0.05  0.08 0.23 0.767 1.1
## va   0.75 -0.21  0.02  0.08 0.62 0.380 1.2
## omg  0.06 -0.33  0.09 -0.69 0.60 0.401 1.5
## uas -0.56  0.47 -0.08  0.11 0.56 0.445 2.1
## vas -0.32  0.64 -0.20  0.14 0.58 0.421 1.8
## slp -0.76  0.49 -0.03 -0.19 0.86 0.136 1.9
## Qdv -0.06 -0.05 -0.01 -0.80 0.64 0.360 1.0
## shm  0.87 -0.21 -0.12  0.05 0.81 0.186 1.2
## clt -0.38  0.67  0.28  0.19 0.71 0.293 2.2
## pre  0.50  0.67  0.04  0.34 0.82 0.182 2.4
## pme -0.41  0.77 -0.05  0.13 0.77 0.226 1.6
## ro  -0.05  0.03  0.91 -0.05 0.84 0.164 1.0
## dS  -0.28  0.53 -0.71  0.13 0.88 0.120 2.3
## snd -0.77 -0.01 -0.28  0.29 0.75 0.247 1.6
##                        RC1  RC2  RC3  RC4
## SS loadings           8.79 5.66 2.08 1.65
## Proportion Var        0.37 0.24 0.09 0.07
## Cumulative Var        0.37 0.60 0.69 0.76
## Proportion Explained  0.48 0.31 0.11 0.09
## Cumulative Proportion 0.48 0.79 0.91 1.00
## Mean item complexity =  1.7
## Test of the hypothesis that 4 components are sufficient.
## The root mean square of the residuals (RMSR) is  0.06 
##  with the empirical chi square  290.26  with prob <  1.5e-06 
## Fit based upon off diagonal values = 0.99
qg_pca <- qgraph(loadings(mm_pca_rot), 
  posCol = "darkgreen", negCol = "darkmagenta", arrows = FALSE, 
  labels=c(names(mm_data),as.character(seq(1:nfactors))), vTrans=128) 
## Warning in Glabels[1:n] <- labels: number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length

qgraph(qg_pca, title="Rotated component loadings, all models over all months",
  layout = "spring", arrows = FALSE, 
  posCol = "darkgreen", negCol = "darkmagenta", 
  width=7, height=5, normalize=TRUE, edge.width=0.75) 

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4 PCA of high-dimensional data

This example illustrates the application of principal components analysis (also known as EOF, emperical orthogonal functions in meteorology, or “eigenvector analysis”) to a data set that consists of 16,380 variables (grid points) and 1680 observations (times) from a data set called the 20th Century Reanalysis V. 2. [].

The paticular data set used here consists of anomalies (difference from the long-term means) of 500mb hieghts, which describe upper level circulation patterns, over the interval 1871-2010, and monthly time steps. The objective is to describe the basic anomaly patterns that occur in the data, and to look at their variation over time (and because climate is changing, there are likely to be long-term trends in the importance of these patterns.) The data are available in netCDF files, and so this analysis also describes how to read and write netCDF data sets (or *.nc files). This data set is not particularly huge, but is large enough to illustrate the general idea, which basically involves using the singular-value decomposition approach.

4.1 Read the netCDF file of 20th Century Reanalysis Data

# load some libraries
# Read the data
ncpath <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/nc_files/"
ncname <- "" 
ncfname <- paste(ncpath, ncname, sep="")
dname <- "hgt_anm"

Open the netCDF file. Printing the file object (ncin) produces output similar to that of ncdump:

# open a netCDF file
ncin <- nc_open(ncfname)
## File /Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/nc_files/ (NC_FORMAT_CLASSIC):
##      1 variables (excluding dimension variables):
##         float hgt_anm[lon,lat,time]   
##             name: hgt_anm
##             long_name: 500mb heights
##             units: m
##             _FillValue: -32767
##      3 dimensions:
##         lon  Size:180 
##             name: lon
##             long_name: Longitude
##             units: degrees_east
##             axis: X
##             standard_name: longitude
##             coodinate_defines: point
##         lat  Size:91 
##             name: lat
##             long_name: Latitude
##             units: degrees_north
##             axis: Y
##             standard_name: latitude
##             coodinate_defines: point
##         time  Size:1680 
##             standard_name: time
##             long_name: time
##             units: hours since 1800-01-01 00:00:00
##             axis: T
##             calendar: standard
##     8 global attributes:
##         title: 20th Century Renalysis v. 2 -- Monthly Averages 1871-2008
##         creator: Bartlein
##         institution:, using data from NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD
##         source: f:\Data\20thC_Rean_V2\
##         history: R20C2_anomalies.f90  2012-02-25 11:24:56
##         Conventions: CF-1.4
##         references:
##         comment: 1871-2010 anomalies relative to 1981-2010 ltm on native GCM grid

Get the latitudes and longitudes (dimensions):

# lons and lats
lon <- ncvar_get(ncin, "lon")
nlon <- dim(lon)
## [1] -180 -178 -176 -174 -172 -170
lat <- ncvar_get(ncin, "lat", verbose = F)
nlat <- dim(lat)
## [1] -90 -88 -86 -84 -82 -80

Get the time variable, and the “CF” “time since” units attribute:

# time variable
t <- ncvar_get(ncin, "time")
head(t); tail(t)
## [1] 622368 623112 623784 624528 625248 625992
## [1] 1845168 1845912 1846656 1847376 1848120 1848840
tunits <- ncatt_get(ncin, "time", "units")
## [1] "hours since 1800-01-01 00:00:00"
nt <- dim(t)
## [1] 1680

Next, get the data (hgt500_anm), and the attributes like the “long name”, units and fill values (missing data codes):

# get the data array
var_array <- ncvar_get(ncin, dname)
dlname <- ncatt_get(ncin, dname, "long_name")
dunits <- ncatt_get(ncin, dname, "units")
fillvalue <- ncatt_get(ncin, dname, "_FillValue")
## [1]  180   91 1680

Then get the global attributes:

# global attributes
title <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "title")
institution <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "institution")
datasource <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "source")
references <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "references")
history <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "history")
Conventions <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "Conventions")

Finally, close the netCDF file:


4.2 Set-up for the analysis

Check that the data have been read correctly by displaying a map of the first month of data. Grab a slice of the data, and plot it as an image() plot. Get a world outline

# world_sf
world_sf <- st_as_sf(maps::map("world", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE))
world_otl_sf <- st_geometry(world_sf)

# select the first month of data, and make a data freame
n <- 1
map_df <- data.frame(expand.grid(lon, lat), as.vector(var_array[, , n]))
names(map_df) <- c("lon", "lat", "hgt500_anm")
##    lon lat hgt500_anm
## 1 -180 -90   -12.2334
## 2 -178 -90   -12.2334
## 3 -176 -90   -12.2334
## 4 -174 -90   -12.2334
## 5 -172 -90   -12.2334
## 6 -170 -90   -12.2334
# plot the first month
ggplot() +
  geom_tile(data = map_df, aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = hgt500_anm)) +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = "darkblue", mid="white", high = "darkorange", midpoint = 0.0) +
  geom_sf(data = world_otl_sf, col = "black", fill = NA) +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(-180, +180), ylim = c(-90, 90), expand = FALSE) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-180, 180, by = 60)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-90, 90, by = 30)) +
  labs(x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude", title="20th Century Reanalysis 500 hPa Height Anomalies", fill="hgt500") +

The map looks similar to a map of the first month’s data using Panoply. (The artifact at 0o E is due to rotation of the original data from 0 to 360 degrees to -180 to +180 degrees.)

If desired, the analysis could be confined to the Northern Hemisphere by executing the following code (although this is not done here).

# (not run) trim data to N.H.
lat <- lat[47:91]
nlat <- dim(lat)
min(lat); max(lat)
var_array <- var_array[,47:91,]

4.2.1 Reshape the array

The netCDF variable hgt500_anm is read in as a 3-dimensional array (nlon x nlat x nt), but for the PCA, it needs to be in the standard form of a data frame, with each column representing a variable (or grid point in this case) and each row representing an observation (or time). The reshaping can be done by first flatting the 3-d array into a long vector of values, and then converting that to a 2-d array with nlon x nlat columns, and `nt’ rows.

# reshape the 3-d array
var_vec_long <- as.vector(var_array)
## [1] 27518400
var_matrix <- matrix(var_vec_long, nrow = nlon * nlat, ncol = nt)
## [1] 16380  1680
var_matrix <- t(var_matrix)
## [1]  1680 16380

Note that this approach will only work if the netCDF file is configured in the standard “CF Conventions” way, i.e. as a nlon x nlat x nt array.

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5 PCA using the pcaMethods package

The pcaMethods package from the Bioconductor repository is a very flexible set of routines for doing PCA. Here the “singular value decomposition” (SVD) approach will be used, because it can handle cases where there are more variables than observations. The pcaMethods package is described at:

To install the pcaMethods package, first install the core Bioconductor packages, and then use the biocLite() function to install pcaMethods. See the following link:

In this example, the first eight components are extracted from the correlation matrix. Note that the analysis will take a few minutes.

# PCA using pcaMethods
ncomp <- 8
zd <- prep(var_matrix, scale="uv", center=TRUE)
ptm <- proc.time() # time the analysis
resPCA <- pca(zd, method=pcamethod, scale="uv", center=TRUE, nPcs=ncomp)
proc.time() - ptm # how long?
##    user  system elapsed 
## 168.145   2.632 172.458

5.1 Results

Printing out the “results” object (resPCA) provides a summary of the analysis, and the loadings and scores are extracted from the results object.

# print a summary of the results
## svd calculated PCA
## Importance of component(s):
##                  PC1    PC2     PC3     PC4     PC5     PC6     PC7     PC8
## R2            0.2306 0.1106 0.07076 0.03219 0.03191 0.02925 0.02591 0.02441
## Cumulative R2 0.2306 0.3412 0.41193 0.44412 0.47603 0.50528 0.53119 0.55560
## 16380    Variables
## 1680     Samples
## 0    NAs ( 0 %)
## 8    Calculated component(s)
## Data was mean centered before running PCA 
## Data was scaled before running PCA 
## Scores structure:
## [1] 1680    8
## Loadings structure:
## [1] 16380     8
# extract loadings and scores
loadpca <- loadings(resPCA)
scores <- scores(resPCA)/rep(resPCA@sDev, each=nrow(scores(resPCA)))

A quick look at the results can be gotten by mapping the loadings of the first component and plotting the time series of the component scores

# select the first month of data, and make a data freame
n <- 1
comp_df <- data.frame(expand.grid(lon, lat), as.vector(loadpca[, n]))
names(comp_df) <- c("lon", "lat", "comp1")
##    lon lat         comp1
## 1 -180 -90 -0.0005038535
## 2 -178 -90 -0.0005038535
## 3 -176 -90 -0.0005038535
## 4 -174 -90 -0.0005038535
## 5 -172 -90 -0.0005038535
## 6 -170 -90 -0.0005038535
# map the component loadings
ggplot() +
  geom_tile(data = comp_df, aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = comp1)) +
  scale_fill_gradient2(low = "darkblue", mid="white", high = "darkorange", midpoint = 0.0, 
                       limits = c(-0.02, 0.02)) +
  geom_sf(data = world_otl_sf, col = "black", fill = NA) +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(-180, +180), ylim = c(-90, 90), expand = FALSE) +
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-180, 180, by = 60)) +
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(-90, 90, by = 30)) +
  labs(x = "Longitude", y = "Latitude", title="20th CRA 500 hPa Height Anomalies PCA Loadings", fill=" ") +

Recall that the loadings are the correlations between the time series of 500mb heights at each grid point and the time series of the (first, in this case) component and they describe the map pattern of the first component, and the scores illustrate the importance of the anomaly map pattern represented by the first component as it varies over time:

# timeseries plot of scores
yrmn <- seq(1871.0, 2011.0-(1.0/12.0), by=1.0/12.0)
plot(yrmn, scores[,1], type="l")

The first six components account for half of the variance of the original 16,380 variables, which is a pretty efficient reduction in dimensionality. The map pattern of the first component is positive in the tropics (and is more-or-less positive everywhere), and the time series of scores shows that it is increasing over time. This pattern and time series is consitent with global warming over the last century.

6 Write out the results

6.1 Component scores

Write out the component scores and statistics (to the working directory):

# write scores
scoresout <- cbind(yrmn,scores)
scoresfile <- "hgt500_scores.csv"
write.table(scoresout, file=scoresfile, row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, sep=",")
# write statistics
ncompchar <- paste ("0", as.character(ncomp), sep="")
if (ncomp >= 10) ncompchar <- as.character(ncomp)
statsout <- cbind(1:resPCA@nPcs,resPCA@sDev,resPCA@R2,resPCA@R2cum)
colnames(statsout) <- c("PC", "sDev", "R2", "R2cum")
statsfile <- paste("hgt500",pcamethod,"_",ncompchar,"_stats.csv",sep="")
write.table(statsout, file=statsfile, row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, sep=",")

6.2 Write out a netCDF file of component loadings

The loading matrix has nlon x nlat rows and ncomp (eight in this case) columns, and needs to be reshaped into an nlon x nlat x ncomp array. Note that the reshaping is not automatic–it happens that this works because the original data (from the input netCDF file) was properly defined (as a nlon x nlat x nt array).

# reshape loadings
dim.array <- c(nlon,nlat,ncomp)
var_array <- array(loadpca, dim.array)

Next, the dimension (or coordinate) variables are defined, including one ncomp long:

# define dimensions
londim <- ncdim_def("lon", "degrees_east", as.double(lon))
latdim <- ncdim_def("lat", "degrees_north", as.double(lat))
comp <- seq(1:ncomp)
ncompdim <- ncdim_def("comp", "SVD component", as.integer(comp))

Then the 3-d (lon x lat x ncomp) variable (the loadings) is defined:

# define variable
fillvalue <- 1e+32
dlname <- "hgt500 anomalies loadings"
var_def <- ncvar_def("hgt500_loadings", "1", list(londim, latdim, ncompdim), fillvalue, 
  dlname, prec = "single")

Then the netCDF file is created, and the loadings and additional attributes are added:

# create netCDF file and put arrays
ncfname <- ""
ncout <- nc_create(ncfname, list(var_def), force_v4 = T)

# put loadings
ncvar_put(ncout, var_def, var_array)

# put additional attributes into dimension and data variables
ncatt_put(ncout, "lon", "axis", "X")  #,verbose=FALSE) #,definemode=FALSE)
ncatt_put(ncout, "lat", "axis", "Y")
ncatt_put(ncout, "comp", "axis", "PC")

# add global attributes
title2 <- paste(title$value, "SVD component analysis using pcaMethods", sep="--")
ncatt_put(ncout, 0, "title", title2)
ncatt_put(ncout, 0, "institution", institution$value)
ncatt_put(ncout, 0, "source", datasource$value)
ncatt_put(ncout, 0, "references", references$value)
history <- paste("P.J. Bartlein", date(), sep = ", ")
ncatt_put(ncout, 0, "history", history)
ncatt_put(ncout, 0, "Conventions", Conventions$value)

Finally, the netCDF file is closed, writing the data to disk.


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