NOTE:  This page has been revised for the 2024 version of the course, but there may be some additional edits.  

1 Introduction

HDF (Hierarchical Data Format), see [] is another format for storing large data files and associated metadata, that is not unrealted to netCDF, because in fact netCDF-4 uses the HDF-5 “data model” to store data. There are currently two versions of HDF in use HDF4 and HDF5, and two special cases designed for handling satellite remote-sensing data (HDF-EOS and HDF-EOS5). Unlike netCDF-4, which is backward compatible with netCDF-3, the two versions are not mutually readible, but there are tools for converting between the different versions (as well as for converting HDF files to netCDF files).

HDF5 files can be read and written in R using the rhdf5 package, which is part of the Bioconductor collection of packages. HDF4 files can also be handled via the rgdal package, but the process is more cumbersome. Consequently, the current standard approach for analyzing HDF4 data in R is to first convert it to HDF5 or netCDF, and proceed from there using rhdf5.

Compared to netCDF files, HDF files can be messy: they can contain images as well as data, and HDF5 files in particular may contain groups of datasets, which emulated in some ways the folder/directory stucture on a local machine. This will become evident below.

2 Preliminary set up

The rhdf5 package can be retrieved from Bioconductor, and installed as follows. Generally, a lot of dependent packages will also need to be installed as well, but the process is usually straightforward.

# install rhdf5
if (!requireNamespace("rhdf5", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install("rhdf5", version = "3.18", force = TRUE)

The examples below use data from TEMIS, the Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service ([]), and the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFED, []). The TEMIS data are HDF4 and need to be converted, while the GFED data are HDF5. The specific data sets can be found on the ClimateLab SFTP server.

The various conversion tasks and tools are:

The first two conversion tools have installers for MacOS, Windows and Linux. On the Mac, it will usually be the case that the executable file should be moved to the /Applications folder, while on Windows the usual fooling around with paths will be required. The ncl_convert2nc tool is part of NCL, which can be installed on run on Windows 10/11 machines using the Linux subsystem for Windows (WSL2.

There are some useful tutorials on using HDF in R from the NSF NEON program:

Begin by loading the appropriate packages:

# load packages

For latter plotting of the data, also read a world outline file. The file(s) can be copied from the class RESS server, or by downloading the contents of the folder at []. Clicking on this link should open a file listing on the server, from which you can download the files. Note that shape files consist of multiple files, e.g. *.shp, *.shx, *.dbf, *.prj, cpg, and all must be downloaded.Alternatively you could use FileZilla to download the files from the course SFTP server. Note that shape files consist of multiple files, e.g. *.shp, *.shx, *.dbf, *.prj, cpg, and all must be downloaded.

Move the download files to a convenient folder, e.g. /Users/bartlein/Projects/ESSD/data/shp_files/world2015/, and plot the outlines.

# plot the world outline
shp_file <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/shp_files/world2015/UIA_World_Countries_Boundaries.shp"
world_outline <- as(st_geometry(read_sf(shp_file)), Class = "Spatial")
plot(world_outline, col="lightblue", lwd=1)

Convert the world_outline to a spatial vector for adding to terra maps later.

# convert world_outline to a spatial vector
world_otl <- vect(world_outline)
## [1] "SpatVector"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "terra"

2.1 Convert an HDF4 file to HDF5

Here’s a link to the .hdf file: []. Download the file and copy the file a convenient places, say, a folder /hdf_files in your data folder (e.g. /Users/bartlein/Projects/ESSD/data/hdf_files/)

In this example, a data set of the “Clear-Sky UV Index”” from TEMIS was downloaded (i.e. uvief20190423.hdf – 2019-04-23) from the website listed above. This is an HDF4 file, which can be verified in Panoply. Viewing files in Panoply is always good practice–in this case the particular layout of the data in file is rather ambiguous at first glance, and so getting a look at the contents of the file before attempting to read it is a good idea.

The HDF4 file can be converted by typing in a terminal or command window (for example):

h4toh5convert uvief20190423.hdf
# or, e.g.: /Users/bartlein/Downloads/hdf/HDF_Group/H4H5/2.2.5/bin/h4toh5convert GFED4.0_DQ_2015270_BA.hdf
# if the h4toh5convert.exe program isn't in the PATH

This will create the file uvief20190423.h5. (Note that an explicit output filename and path can be included. Not everything in the HDF4 file will be converted, and it’s likely that a number of error messages will appear, giving the impression that the operation has failed. Check to see whether in fact the HDF5 was indeed created, and has something in it (via Panoply).)

3 Read a simple HDF5 file

Begin by setting paths and filenames:

# set path and filename
hdf_path <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/hdf_files/"
hdf_name <- "uvief20190423.h5"
hdf_file <- paste(hdf_path, hdf_name, sep="")

List the contents of the file. (WARNING: This can produce a lot of output)

# list the file content
##   group         name       otype  dclass        dim
## 0     /    Latitudes H5I_DATASET   FLOAT        720
## 1     /   Longitudes H5I_DATASET   FLOAT       1440
## 2     / Ozone_column H5I_DATASET INTEGER 1440 x 720
## 3     /    UVI_error H5I_DATASET INTEGER 1440 x 720
## 4     /    UVI_field H5I_DATASET INTEGER 1440 x 720
## 5     /     fakeDim0 H5I_DATASET INTEGER        720
## 6     /     fakeDim1 H5I_DATASET INTEGER       1440

Read the attributes of the UVI_field variable, the UV index:

# read the attributes of UVI_field
h5readAttributes(hdf_file, name = "UVI_field")
## Warning in H5Aread(A, ...): Reading attribute data of type 'VLEN' not yet implemented. Values replaced
## by NA's.
## [1] NA NA
## $No_data_value
## [1] "-1.0E+03 * scale_factor"
## $Scale_factor
## [1] 0.001
## $Title
## [1] "Erythemal UV index"
## $Units
## [1] "1  [ 1 UV index unit equals 25 mW/m2 ]"

Get the latitudes and longitudes of the grid:

# get lons and lats
lon <- h5read(hdf_file, "/Longitudes")
nlon <- length(lon)
## [1] 1440
head(lon); tail(lon)
## [1] -179.875 -179.625 -179.375 -179.125 -178.875 -178.625
## [1] 178.625 178.875 179.125 179.375 179.625 179.875
lat <- h5read(hdf_file, "/Latitudes")
nlat <- length(lat)
## [1] 720
head(lat); tail(lat)
## [1] -89.875 -89.625 -89.375 -89.125 -88.875 -88.625
## [1] 88.625 88.875 89.125 89.375 89.625 89.875

Get the UV data, and convert it to a SpatRaster object, and get a short summary. Note that the UVI data is in layer 3 of the raster brick.

hdf_file <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/hdf_files/uvief20190423.h5"
UVI_in <- rast(hdf_file, lyrs = 3)
## Warning: [rast] unknown extent
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 720, 1440, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
## extent      : 0, 1440, 0, 720  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. :  
## source      : uvief20190423.h5://UVI_field 
## varname     : UVI_field 
## name        : UVI_field

Notice that the raster has an unknown extent (i.e the range of longitudes and latitudes), and it also appears to be upside down. Flip the raster, and add the longitude and latitude extent.

# flip the raster
UVI <- flip(UVI_in, direction = "vertical")
# add the spatial extent
ext(UVI) <- c(-179.875, 179.875, -89.875, 89.875)
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 720, 1440, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 0.2498264, 0.2496528  (x, y)
## extent      : -179.875, 179.875, -89.875, 89.875  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. :  
## source(s)   : memory
## varname     : UVI_field 
## name        : UVI_field 
## min value   :         0 
## max value   :     18342

Plot the raster:


Looks ok. Remove the input file:

# Remove the input file

Note that the data could also be read as an a matrix, or 2d array

# read the UV data
h1 <- h5read(hdf_file, "/UVI_field")
class(h1); str(h1)
## [1] "matrix" "array"
##  int [1:1440, 1:720] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

Remove the array:

# Remove the input file

3.1 Plot the UV data

A plot with overlain outlines can be produced as follows:

color_fun <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"YlOrRd"))
plot(UVI, col = color_fun(50), main = "UV Index", ylab = "Latitude", xlab = "Longitude")
plot(world_otl, add = TRUE)

The colorRampPalette() function creates another function color_fun that can be used to interpolate a color scale or ramp, here the RColorBrewer “YlOrRd” scale. When supplied to the col argument in the plot() function, it creats a color ramp with 50 steps

Close the open files before moving on:

# close open HDF5 files

4 Read a more complicated HDF5 file

A much more stuctured file that exploits the ability of HDF5 to store data in “groups” that mimics in some ways the directory or folder structure on a local computer is represented by the GFED4.1 fire data set. Here’s a link to the file: []. Dowload the file as usual. Begin by setting paths and file names.

# set path 
hdf_path <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/hdf_files/"
hdf_name <- "GFED4.1s_2016.hdf5"
hdf_file <- paste(hdf_path, hdf_name, sep="")

List the file contents, DOUBLE WARNING: This really does produce a lot of output, only some is included here:

# list the file contents
h5ls(hdf_file) # may create a lot of output
##                            group                name       otype  dclass        dim
## 0                              /              ancill   H5I_GROUP                   
## 1                        /ancill       basis_regions H5I_DATASET INTEGER 1440 x 720
## 2                        /ancill      grid_cell_area H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720
## 3                              /           biosphere   H5I_GROUP                   
## 4                     /biosphere                  01   H5I_GROUP                   
## 5                  /biosphere/01                  BB H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720
## 6                  /biosphere/01                 NPP H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720
## 7                  /biosphere/01                  Rh H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720
## 8                     /biosphere                  02   H5I_GROUP                   
## 9                  /biosphere/02                  BB H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720
## 10                 /biosphere/02                 NPP H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720
## 11                 /biosphere/02                  Rh H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720

## 52                             /         burned_area   H5I_GROUP                   
## 53                  /burned_area                  01   H5I_GROUP                   
## 54               /burned_area/01     burned_fraction H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720
## 55               /burned_area/01              source H5I_DATASET INTEGER 1440 x 720
## 56                  /burned_area                  02   H5I_GROUP                   
## 57               /burned_area/02     burned_fraction H5I_DATASET   FLOAT 1440 x 720
## 58               /burned_area/02              source H5I_DATASET INTEGER 1440 x 720
## 59                  /burned_area                  03   H5I_GROUP                   

Read the longtidues and latiudes. A preliminary look at the file in Panoply revealed that longitudes and latitudes were stored as full matices, as opposed to vectors. Consequently, after reading, only the first row (for longitude) and first column (for latitude) were stored.

# read lons and lats
lon_array <- h5read(hdf_file, "lon")
lon <- lon_array[,1]
nlon <- length(lon)
## [1] 1440
head(lon); tail(lon)
## [1] -179.875 -179.625 -179.375 -179.125 -178.875 -178.625
## [1] 178.625 178.875 179.125 179.375 179.625 179.875
lat_array <- h5read(hdf_file, "lat")
lat <- lat_array[1,]
nlat <- length(lat)
## [1] 720
lat <- lat[nlat:1]
head(lat); tail(lat)
## [1] -89.875 -89.625 -89.375 -89.125 -88.875 -88.625
## [1] 88.625 88.875 89.125 89.375 89.625 89.875

Read the attributes of the burned_area variable:

# read the attributes of the burned_area variable
h5readAttributes(hdf_file, name = "/burned_area/07/burned_fraction/")
## $long_name
## [1] "GFED4s burned fraction. Note that this INCLUDES an experimental \"small fire\" estimate and is thus different from the Giglio et al. (2013) paper"
## $units
## [1] "Fraction of grid cell"

From the listing of the contents of the file, and the information provided in Panoply, it can be seen that, for example, the burned fraction (the proportion of a grid cell burned), for July 2016 is in the variable named /burned_area/07/burned_fraction. Get that variable:

# read a raster slice
h2 <- h5read(hdf_file, "/burned_area/07/burned_fraction")
class(h2); str(h2)
## [1] "matrix" "array"
##  num [1:1440, 1:720] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...

The distribution of the burned fraction data is extremely long-tailed, meaning there are a lot of small values and few large ones:

hist(h2, breaks = 40)

The usual strategy for dealing with such data is to log transform it:

h2[h2 == 0.0] <- NA
h2 <- log10(h2)
hist(h2, breaks = 40)

BF <- rast(h2)
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 1440, 720, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
## extent      : 0, 720, 0, 1440  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. :  
## source(s)   : memory
## name        :       lyr.1 
## min value   : -5.09686064 
## max value   : -0.05363899

Take a quick look:

# terra plot

The plot, confirmed by Panoply, suggests that the raster needs to be transposed.

# tranpose the raster
BF <- t(BF)
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 720, 1440, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 1, 1  (x, y)
## extent      : 0, 1440, 0, 720  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. :  
## source(s)   : memory
## name        :       lyr.1 
## min value   : -5.09686064 
## max value   : -0.05363899

As was the case with the Ozone data, the rasterized input data (BF) does not contain spatial entent data. These can be gotten from the longitude and latitude data read in above using the h5read() function.

# add the spatial extent
ext(BF) <- c(lon[1], lon[nlon], lat[1], lat[nlat])
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 720, 1440, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 0.2498264, 0.2496528  (x, y)
## extent      : -179.875, 179.875, -89.875, 89.875  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. :  
## source(s)   : memory
## name        :       lyr.1 
## min value   : -5.09686064 
## max value   : -0.05363899

4.1 plot the GFED burned fraction data

Plot the data:

color_fun <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"YlOrRd"))
plot(BF, y = 1, col = color_fun(50), main = "log10 Burned Fraction First", ylab = "Latitude", xlab = "Longitude")
plot(world_otl, add = TRUE)