1 Introduction

There are three semi-related R packages for visualizing and analyzing spatial and temporal data:

Each of these packages has functions for reading and writing data sets in a number of formats (like netCDF or HDF), and for storing and manipulating the data internally. Because all nicely support netCDF, and netCDF has its own functions for reading or writing arrays, it can be viewed as the glue that links the packages, both to one-another as will as to the “outside” world. Here’s a summary of some of the packages and functions involved

                read netCDF                 write netCDF
  base R        ncdf4, RNetCDF packages     ncdf4, RNetCDF packages
  sf            st_read()                   st_write()
  terra         rast()                      writeCDF()
  stars         read_netcdf()               write_stars()

2 The terra package

The terra package is large library of functions and methods for dealing with raster data sets, including many geospatial formats, including netCDF. It is a rapidly deloping package, replacing the old raster package. The functions support many different kinds of geospatial procedures applied to raster data, like regridding and interpolation, hillslope shading calculations, logical and mathematical manipulations and so on, but it also can efficiently read and manipulate large data sets. In particular terra is designed to only read into memory those parts of a data set that are necessary for some analysis, raising the possibility of analyzing data sets that are much larger than the availble machine memory. In addition, some of the “flatting” and “reshaping” maneuvers that are required to get netCDF data sets into “tidy” formats are supported by individual functions. Below are some simple examples of reading and writing netCDF data sets.

To illustrate the terra approach to reading and displaying the CRU temperature data, first load the required packages:

# load packages  

Also read a world outline shape file for plotting:

# read a shape file
shp_file <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/shp_files/world2015/UIA_World_Countries_Boundaries.shp"
world_outline <- as(st_geometry(read_sf(shp_file)), Class = "Spatial")
plot(world_outline, col="lightgreen", lwd=1)

Convert the world_outline to a spatial vector (SpatVector), one of the classes of objects familiar to the terra package (the other being SpatRaster).

# convert world_outline to a spatial vector
world_otl <- vect(world_outline)
## [1] "SpatVector"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "terra"

2.1 Read a netCDF file

Next, set the path, filename, and variable name for the CRU long-term mean temperature data

# set path and filename
nc_path <- "/Users/bartlein/Projects/RESS/data/nc_files/"
nc_name <- "cru10min30_tmp"  
nc_fname <- paste(nc_path, nc_name, ".nc", sep="")
dname <- "tmp"  # note: tmp means temperature (not temporary)

Read the 3-D array from the netCDF file using the rast() function:

# read the netCDF file
tmp_raster <- rast(nc_fname)
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 360, 720, 12  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 0.5, 0.5  (x, y)
## extent      : -180, 180, -90, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
## source      : cru10min30_tmp.nc:tmp 
## varname     : tmp (air_temperature) 
## names       : tmp_1, tmp_2, tmp_3, tmp_4, tmp_5, tmp_6, ... 
## unit        :  degC,  degC,  degC,  degC,  degC,  degC, ... 
## time (days) : 1976-01-16 to 1976-12-16
## [1] "SpatRaster"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "terra"

Typing the name of the object tmp_raster produces a short summary of the contents of the file. Note that the class of the object just created is SpatRaster as opposed to array.

Next, plot the data, using the terra package default plotting function.


Plot just the January data, using the subset() function to get the data:

# select just the January data
tjan_raster <- subset(tmp_raster, s = 1)

Here’s a nicer plot:

# plot January temperature
breaks <- c(-50,-40,-30,-20,-10,0,10,20,30,40,50)
color_fun <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(10,"RdBu")))
plot(tjan_raster, col = color_fun(10), type = "continuous", breaks = breaks, 
     main = "January Temperature", ylab = "Latitude", xlab = "Longitude")
plot(world_otl, add = TRUE)

So it looks like the raster package can read a netCDF file with fewer lines of code than ncdf.

2.2 “Flatting” a raster brick

The values() function in terra reshapes a raster object; if the argument of the function is a raster layer, the function returns a vector, while if the argument is a raster stack or raster brick (e.g. a 3-D array), the function returns a matrix, with each row representing an individual cell (or location in the grid), and the columns representing layers (which in the case of the CRU data are times (months)). The replicates the reshaping described earlier for netCDF files.

tmp_array <- values(tmp_raster)
class(tmp_array); dim(tmp_array)
## [1] "matrix" "array"
## [1] 259200     12

The class and diminsions of tmp_array describe the result of the reshaping – the nlon x nlat x 12 brick is now a rectangular data set.

##      tmp_1 tmp_2 tmp_3 tmp_4 tmp_5 tmp_6 tmp_7 tmp_8 tmp_9 tmp_10 tmp_11 tmp_12
## [1,] -35.8 -37.9 -36.7 -28.1 -12.8  -0.9   3.3   1.4  -7.9  -20.2  -29.7  -33.6
## [2,] -35.4 -37.5 -36.3 -27.7 -12.7  -0.9   3.3   1.4  -7.8  -19.9  -29.3  -33.3
## [3,] -35.1 -37.1 -35.9 -27.4 -12.5  -0.9   3.3   1.4  -7.7  -19.7  -28.9  -32.9
## [4,] -34.6 -36.6 -35.5 -27.1 -12.3  -0.9   3.2   1.4  -7.6  -19.4  -28.5  -32.5
## [5,] -31.8 -33.3 -33.6 -24.3 -11.3  -2.3   1.2  -1.1 -12.9  -23.7  -28.1  -31.0
## [6,] -32.1 -33.6 -33.8 -24.6 -11.5  -2.5   0.9  -1.3 -13.2  -24.2  -28.5  -31.4

3 NetCDF and the terra package

The terra package evidently has the capability of reading and writing netCDF files. There are several issues that could arise in such transformations (i.e. from the netCDF format to the terra SpatRaster format) related to such things as the indexing of grid-cell locations: netCDF coordinates refer to the center of grid cells, while terra coordinates refer to cell corners.

In practice, the terra package seems to “do the right thing” in reading and writing netCDF, as can be demonstrated using a “toy” data set. In the examples below, a simple netCDF data set will be generated and written out using the ncdf4 package. Then that netCDF data set will be read in as a raster “layer” and plotted, and finally the raster layer will be written again as a netCDF file. As can be seen, the coordiate systems are appropriately adjusted going back and forth between netCDF and the raster “native” format.

3.1 Generate and write a simple netCDF file

Generate a small nlon = 8, nlat = 4 2-d netCDF data set, filled with normally distributed random numbers

# create a small netCDF file
# generate lons and lats
nlon <- 8; nlat <- 4
dlon <- 360.0/nlon; dlat <- 180.0/nlat
lon <- seq(-180.0+(dlon/2),+180.0-(dlon/2),by=dlon)
## [1] -157.5 -112.5  -67.5  -22.5   22.5   67.5  112.5  157.5
lat <- seq(-90.0+(dlat/2),+90.0-(dlat/2),by=dlat)
## [1] -67.5 -22.5  22.5  67.5
# define dimensions
londim <- ncdim_def("lon", "degrees_east", as.double(lon))
latdim <- ncdim_def("lat", "degrees_north", as.double(lat))

# generate some data
set.seed(5) # to generate the same stream of random numbers each time the code is run
tmp <- rnorm(nlon*nlat)
tmat <- array(tmp, dim = c(nlon, nlat))
## [1] 8 4
## [1] "matrix" "array"

The date generated by the rnorm() function are “Z-scores” – normally distributed random numbers with a mean of 0.0 and a standard deviation of 1.0. Note the class of the generated data (tmat). Continue building the netCDF data set.

# define variables
dlname <- "test variable -- original"
fillvalue <- 1e20
tmp.def <- ncvar_def(varname, units, list(londim, latdim), fillvalue, 
                     dlname, prec = "single")

As can be seen, the longitudes run from -157.5 to +157.5, while the latitudes run from -67.5 to +67.5, and they define the centers of the netCDF grid cells.

Here’s what the data looks like:

# print the data
##            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]        [,4]       [,5]       [,6]       [,7]       [,8]
## [1,]  0.8190089 -0.2934818  1.4185891  1.49877383 -0.6570821 -0.8527954  0.3159150  1.1096942
## [2,] -0.5973131 -2.1839668  0.2408173 -0.25935541  0.9005119  0.9418694  1.4679619  0.7067611
## [3,] -0.2857736  0.1381082  1.2276303 -0.80177945 -1.0803926 -0.1575344 -1.0717600 -0.1389861
## [4,] -0.8408555  1.3843593 -1.2554919  0.07014277  1.7114409 -0.6029080 -0.4721664 -0.6353713

The t() function transposes the matrix by flipping it along the principal diagonal, while the selection [(nlat:1),] flips the data top to bottom, so it will be consistent with the maps below. Notice the two extreme values, -2.18 (second row, second column) and 1.71 (fourth row, fifth column); these will help in the comparison of the maps later.

Convert tmat to a terra SpatRast for plotting. Also add the spatial extent of the raster, which extends from the cell edges, as opposed to the cell centers

tmat_sr <- rast(tmat)
tmat_sr <- t(tmat_sr) # transpose
tmat_sr <- flip(tmat_sr, direction = "vertical")
ext(tmat_sr) <- c(-180.0, 180.0, -90.0, 90.0)

Here’s what the generated data look like:

# plot tmpin, the test raster read back in
breaks <- c(-2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
color_fun <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(10,"RdBu")))
plot(tmat_sr, col = color_fun(10), type = "continuous", breaks = breaks, 
     main = "Test Variable", ylab = "Latitude", xlab = "Longitude")
plot(world_otl, add = TRUE)

Write the generated data to a netCDF file using ncdf4 functions.

# create a netCDF file 
ncfname <- "test-netCDF-file.nc"
ncout <- nc_create(ncfname, list(tmp.def), force_v4 = TRUE)

# put the array
ncvar_put(ncout, tmp.def, tmat)

# put additional attributes into dimension and data variables
ncatt_put(ncout, "lon", "axis", "X")  
ncatt_put(ncout, "lat", "axis", "Y")

# add global attributes
title <- "small example netCDF file -- written using ncdf4"
ncatt_put(ncout, 0, "title", title)

# close the file, writing data to disk

Here’s what the netCDF file looks like, as plotted in Panoply:


The ncdump command-line utility can be used to verify the contents of the file. At the Console in RStudio, the following code would do that:

cat(system("ncdump -c test-netCDF-file.nc"))

3.2 Read the simple netCDF file back in as a raster layer

Now read the newly created netCDF data set back in as a SpatRast object. (Load the packages if not already loaded.)

# load packages  
# read the netCDF file as a SpatRaster
tmpin <- rast(ncfname)
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 4, 8, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 45, 45  (x, y)
## extent      : -180, 180, -90, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
## source      : test-netCDF-file.nc 
## varname     : tmp (test variable -- original) 
## name        :      tmp 
## unit        : z-scores
## [1] "SpatRaster"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "terra"

Listing the object as above, provides its internal terra attributes, while the print() function provides the characteristics of the source netCDF file.

# source file characteristics
## class       : SpatRaster 
## dimensions  : 4, 8, 1  (nrow, ncol, nlyr)
## resolution  : 45, 45  (x, y)
## extent      : -180, 180, -90, 90  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
## coord. ref. : lon/lat WGS 84 
## source      : test-netCDF-file.nc 
## varname     : tmp (test variable -- original) 
## name        :      tmp 
## unit        : z-scores

Here’s what the generated data look like after being read back in:

# plot tmpin, the test raster read back in
breaks <- c(-2.5, -2.0, -1.5, -1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5)
color_fun <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(10,"RdBu")))
plot(tmpin, col = color_fun(10), type = "continuous", breaks = breaks, 
     main = "Test Variable -- as Raster Layer", ylab = "Latitude", xlab = "Longitude")
plot(world_otl, add = TRUE)

3.3 Check the coordinates of the raster

The spatial extent of the tmpin raster runs from -180.0 to + 180.0 and -90.0 to + 90.0, but as originally generated, the the grid cells in the netCDF file ranged from -157.5 to + 157.5 and -67.5 to + 67.5. Was information on the layout of the grid lost while writing out or reading in the netCDF file? The actual coordinate values of the cell centers can be gotten as follows:

# get raster coordinates
## [1] -157.5 -112.5  -67.5  -22.5   22.5   67.5  112.5  157.5
## [1]  67.5  22.5 -22.5 -67.5

These can be compared with the original `lon’ and ‘lat’ values defined above:

# original lon and lat
## [1] -157.5 -112.5  -67.5  -22.5   22.5   67.5  112.5  157.5
-1.0 * lat
## [1]  67.5  22.5 -22.5 -67.5

(Note that the latitudes in the netCDF file were defined to run from negative to positive values, while the terra yFromRow() function reports them in descending order. Multiplying lon reverses the order for comparability.) So, no information on the layout of the grid was lost.

3.4 Write the raster layer as a netCDF file

Write the generated data (as tmat_sr, a SpatRaster object with coordinates/spatial extent data) to a netCDF file, this time using writeCDF() from the terra package:

# create a netCDF file 
ncfname <- "test-netCDF-terra.nc"
writeCDF(tmat_sr, ncfname, overwrite = TRUE, varname = "z-scores", unit = "z", longname = "random values")

Here’s what that netCDF file looks like, as plotted in Panoply:


The ncdump command-line utility can be used to verify the contents of the file. At the Console in RStudio, the following code would do that:

cat(system("ncdump -c test-netCDF-terra.nc"))