NOTE:  This page has been revised for the 2024 version of the course, but there may be some additional edits.  

1 R and RStudio

Before doing actual analyses of Earth-system science-type data using R, there is a bit of set-up and infrastructure installation to do. Although the list may seem daunting at first, the installations are quite straightforward.

1.1 R, CRAN, and Bioconductor

The “R Project” (or simply “R”) grew out of the development of the S language for data analysis and statistics at Bell Laboratories in the 1980s (and can be said to be an open-source version of S). R for different operating systems can be downloaded from “CRAN” (Comprehensive R Archive Network) site listed below. The basic installation of R is supplemented by a large number of packages (or libraries) that are also obtainable from CRAN or from Bioconductor, the latter being a collection of packages oriented to the analysis of life-science data.

The current version of R is 4.3.2 (23 October 2023).

Here is the link to Getting and using R for this course: (Or use the Tasks > Install R and Studio menu tab.)

Here is a link to some GEOG 4/595 materials on R (note that the installation directions may pertain to a previous version):

1.2 RStudio

RStudio is a development environment for R that is much more powerful than the “built-in” Windows or Mac graphical user interfaces (GUIs), and additionally nicely supports the development of “R Markdown” documents that combine text, code and R output.

Note: See Install R and RStudio under the Tasks tab for an exercise that describes the installation of R and RStudio. Install packages and data under the Tasks tab describes how to install packages individually and en masse, as well as how to the workspace used for exercises in GEOG 4/595.

2 Other infrastructure and utilities

2.1 Git and GitHub (Version Control and Web-Page Hosting)

“Git” is an open-source version-control system, that allows one to track (and backup) the development of software by building a “local repository” of current and previous versions of code, data, markdown files, etc. on one’s machine, while “GitHub” is a website that hosts “remote repositories”, allowing them to be saved, reached (or restored) from any machine (using Git), which greatly facilitates collaboration.

The key resources for setting up and using Git and GitHub with RStudio is a bookdown web page by Jenny Bryan and others at See the Tasks tab above for directions for installing Git and establishing an account on GitHub.

It is becoming standard practice that any specialized software used in writing a journal article be made available via a repository like GitHub, and to be searchable via a DOI—a “digital object identifier”— all in aid of fostering “reproducible research”. For example, for a paper currently under review in the journal Geoscientific Model Development we developed a number of Fortran programs and data sets that reside in a GitHub repository, and then added that repository to the list of those cataloged by an operation called Zenodo, which provides a “permanent” DOI.

Here’s the GitHub repository for the course web page:

Note: See Git and GitHub under the Tasks tab for instructions on getting a GitHub account and setting up a Git repository.

2.2 UO

All UO users have an account and space (50 GB) on that can be used to host web pages:

For example, here are a couple of animations of the meteorological conditions accompanying the 2020 Labor Day fires hosted on my web space on can be used to host the .html files produced for the course project.

2.3 Markdown

This document is written in Markdown, which is a “lightweight” markup language (like HTML), that used a relatively simple syntax, and facilitates the transformation of human-readible text files into .html or .pdf documents. RMarkdown is a an R package, and a set of tools that are deeply embedded in RStudio that facilitates the construction of documents that combine text, R code and the output from the execution of that code, and that range in complexity from a single .html or .pdf file, to multi-page web sites, to books.

RMarkdown thereby facilitates the concepts of “literate programming” link, and “reproducible research” link, which, in addition to explaining or documenting itself, also allows others (including an original investigator after some time has passed) to reproduce a data analysis or other research result.

Here is a simple Markdown (.md) file:

# Introduction #

Some text, and little discussion, including a bulleted list
- first list item
- second list time

## Some code ##

Here is a little code (and note the different font):

 plot(orstationc$elev, orstationc$tann)
and some more text, possibly *decorated* or **otherwise formatted**.
And here is what the file looks like when rendered:


Some text, and little discussion, including a bulleted list

  • first list item
  • second list time

Some code

Here is a little code (and note the different font):

plot(orstationc$elev, orstationc$tann)

and some more text, possibly decorated or otherwise formatted.

Although the syntax of Markdown is relatively simple, complex documents can be generated using conversion tools like Pandoc.

See the Markdown & RMarkdown task for some basic information and resources on Markdown and RMarkdown

2.4 Other useful utilities and apps

2.4.1 Data storage

There are two related formats for storing and distributing Earth-system science data that are in widespread use:

The two formats are actually related, in that netCDF uses the internal HDF format for storage. Both formats are self-documenting (i.e. they contain attributes or metadata that describe the contents of a particular file) and are machine independent. Each has an associated set of command-line utilities that can be used to rapidly learn what a particular file contains.

See the Install netCDF task for directions on installing netCDF and related utilities.

2.4.2 Data viewing

Panoply is a data viewer that can open and display netCDF, HDF, and related files, and is great for inspecting the contents of a file. It is downloadable from [NASA Goddard Institude for Space Studies]

It is, of course, possible to open and view netCDF and HDF files in R, but Panoply is much faster.

See the Install Panoply task for installation directions.

2.4.3 File transfer

Earth-system science data sets are typically large, multiple gigabytes (GB) in size each, with collections of variables ranging to multiple terabytes (TB). For example, individual variables in the “TraCE-21ka” transient paleoclimmte simulation data set (which contains monthly data from 22,000 to the late 20th Century) are 4.6 GB each, and collection of about 40 variables is around 3 TB. Data sets of this size are too large to conveniently download from web pages, particularly because some user interaction is required, and the individual files take a while to download.

There are two main approaches for the batch transfer of files:

  • FTP and SFTP (File Transfer Protocol and SSH File Transfer Protocol), which is built into may operating systems, but is conveniently used with a client application (such as Filezilla)
  • Globus, a browser-based file-transfer client.

See the File transfer task for information on installing and using Filezilla and Globus.

2.4.4 Text editors

It’s often necessary to simply view, or to edit, text files. This can be in RStudio, or Word, but for a file of any size, this ranges from cumbersome to impossible. There are dozens of text editors, and adoption of one or another often winds up being a highly personal decision—a text editor either seems intuitive, or it doesn’t. A reasonable thing to do when adopting a text editor is to choose a cross-platform one, which can greatly facilitates moving from machine to machine. Three candidates, that behave somewhat similarly and include dozens of “packages” are: