UO Webcam

Basic information

NOAA (National)
[Weather.gov] [Daily briefing] [Current surface analysis]

Oregon and PNW (NWS Portland)
[NWS Forecast Office, Portland, OR] [Portland area forecast discussion]
[Oregon weather obs. (map)] [Local and regional current observations (data)] [Eugene 3-day summary]

MesoWest stations near Eugene (MesoWestData)
[Eugene airport 111m] [Willow Cr. (W. Eugene) 139m] [Emigrant Pass (Cascades) 1179m]
[Finley NWR (Willamtte V.) 94m] [Brush Cr. (Coburg Hills) 700m]

Daily data plots ((NWS Portland)
[Eugene] [Portland]

Surface and upper-air

Surface Analyses (Weather Prediction Center)
[Unified Surface Analysis] [North America current analysis] [image files]

Northern Hemisphere (NOAA ESRL PSD (CDC) map room)
[NH 500mb] [7-day animation] [NH SLP] [NH Temperature]

[US (Storm Prediction Center)] [US (NCAR)]

Air Weather Center (aviationweather.gov)
[current weather] [observations]

U.S. (TWC) ([TWC])
[U.S. Surface] [radar] [temperature (F)] [dew pt. temp. (F)] [IR satellite]

Radar and lightning

NWS Radar (National Radar Page) [Coverage map]

NWS Local Radar
[Portland] [Medford] [Pendleton] [Boise] [PNW] [CONUS] (recent)
[Portland] [Medford] [Pendleton] [Boise] [PNW] [CONUS] (loops)
[File list]

Other (Weather Underground Maps)
[WSI weather-type coded radar image]
[Weather Underground weather-type coded radar image]

[US (TWC)] [Globe (Blitzortung)] [US (Blitzortung)] [PNW (LightningMaps.org)]

Traffic cams

ODOT TripCheck Road Conditions (ODOT) [Camera page]
[Eugene I-5] [US101] [Santiam Pass] [Willamette Pass]


Waterwatch (USGS)
[Current] [Streamflow] [Past streamflow]
Current discharge [Willamette R. at Harrisburg]

NWS Oregon River observations (NWS Portland)
[River observations and forecasts]

Air traffic

[Flight delays] [Airspace system status]

NOAA Aviation Weather Center (AWC)
[Overview] [SIGMET] [G-AIRMET]

Space weather

NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center (SWC)
[summary] [aurora forecast] [dashboards] [glossary]

SpaceWeather.com (www.spaceweather.com/)