Note that the data sets on this web page are instructional in nature, intended for illustrating various aspects of data analysis and visualization. It would be a bad idea to attempt to use them as research-grade data sets.
Data sets | Description |
========================== | ============================================================================= |
sumcr.csv | Summit Cr. stream-channel data |
orstationc.csv | Oregon climate-station data |
ortann.csv | Oregon climate-station data, annual temperatures only |
orcountyp.csv | Oregon county census data |
cities.csv | Large cities of the world |
cities2.csv | Large cities of the world, including country names |
cirques.csv | Oregon cirque locations and elevations |
scanvote.csv | Scandinavian EU preference votes |
midwtf2.csv | Midwest pollen and climate data |
orgrid.csv | Gridded Oregon climate data |
sierra.csv | Sierra Nevada dendroclimatological reconstructions |
specmap.csv | pecmap oxygen-isotope and insolation data |
yell_prato.csv | Yellowstone precipitation seasonality data |
yellpolsqrt.csv | Transformed Yellowstone surface-sample pollen data |
cidat.csv | Synthetic data for illustrating confidence intervals |
ttestdat.csv | Synthetic data for illustrating t-tests |
foursamples.csv | Synthetic data for illustrating t-tests |
anovadat.csv | Synthetic data for illustrating analysis of variance |
orsim.csv | Future climate simulations for Oregon |
probdist.csv | Data and distribution functions for various distributions |
wus_pratio.csv | Western U.S. climate station precipitation ratios |
wus_alpha.csv | Western U.S. climate station AE/PE ratios (alpha) |
regrex1.csv | Regression analysis example data set 1 |
regrex2.csv | Regression analysis example data set 2 |
regrex3.csv | Regression analysis example data set 3 |
streams4.csv | Eastern Oregon stream-health geomorphic data |
tstreams4.csv | Eastern Oregon stream-health geomorphic data--transformed values |
boxes.csv | Davis PCA example data |
IPCC-RF.csv | IPCC AR5 radiative forcing time series |
IPCC-RFtrans.csv | IPCC AR5 radiattive forcing time series--transformed values |
NAmodpol.csv | North American modern pollen data |
gcdv3.csv | Global Charcoal Database v3 |
MM-ltmdiff-NEurAsia.csv | Northern Eurasia PMIP3 MH area averages |
EugeneClim.csv | Eugene climate data |
EugeneClim-short.csv | Eugene climate data, “Short” .csv file |
EugeneClim-short-alt-tvars.csv | Eugene climate data, alternative layout tvars |
EugeneClim-short-alt-pvars.csv | Eugene climate data, alternative layout pvars |
Download .csv data sets to a working directory, and read into R using, for example
sumcr <- read.csv("sumcr.csv"),
or sumcr <- read.csv(file.choose())
Description | basename | components | |
=================================== | ============ | ======================= | |
Oregon counties and census data | orcounty | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Oregon county outlines only | orotl | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Oregon climate stations | orstations | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Midwest study region | midwotl | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Scandinavian communes | scand | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Western U.S. state outlines | wus | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Oregon cirque basins | cirques | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Yellowstone area state border | ynpstate | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Yellowsone area rivers | ynprivers | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Yellowstone area lakes | ynplk | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
World country outlines | world | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Picea mariana | picemari | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] | |
Natural Earth 1:110M World outline | ne_110m_admin_0_countries | [.dbf] [.prj] [.shp] [.shx] |
Download shapefile components to a working directory, and see map-drawing scripts.
GEOG 4/595 data [geog495.RData]
Download .Rdata
files to a working directory, and use load()
or Load workspace menu (e.g.):
(Here is a link to an older workspace that includes sp
objects used in previous versions of this web page: [geog495sp.RData])
Data sets | Description |
=================== | ================================================================================== | | CRU CL 2.0 1961-1990 Monthly Average Temperature (0.5-deg subset) | | CRU CL 2.0 1961-1990 Monthly Average Precipitation (0.5-deg subset) | | CRU CL 2.0 1961-1990 Monthly Average Percent Sun (0.5-deg subset) | | bioclimatic variables calculated using the CRU CL 2.0 data | | SST example (raster package) | | HADCRUT3 Combined Air Temperature/SST Anomaly Variance Adjusted | | Global Fire Emissions Database version 3.1 (GFEDv3.1) | | Ramankutty and Foley Potential Vegetation Type (Univ. Wisc. SAGE) | | UMD Tree Cover Data resampled to 0.5-degrees | | Clouds -- Monthly NOAA-CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis V2 |
Check global attributes for data-set sources.
Right-click on dataset name, and download to an appropriate folder.
Note that the data sets on this web page are instructional in nature, intended for illustrating various aspects of data analysis and visualization. It would be a bad idea to use them as research-grade data sets.