1 Introduction

This script reads a GCD Microsoft Access data base, in this case, GCDv03_Marlon_et_al_2015.mdb, downloaded from https://paleofire.org. These data were the basis of the analyses in Marlon et al. (2016, Biogeosciences). This database includes the results of two queries stored as database “views” (as opposed to tables), one for a list of sites and the other for the data. The views are read directly from the .mdb file. The files have the prefix v3i, being the i-th (in alphabetical order, i.e. v3a, v3b, …, v3i) version incorporating successive fix-ups of data problems.

The data query (i.e. the charcoal data for all sites) is parsed into individual “site” .csv files, while also doing various fixups, calculations of sedimentation rates, and converting, for example, charcoal concentrations into charcoal influx. The result is a set of .csv files that can be examined individually, or processed further by transformation, presampling or binning, and the development of composite curves. While aimed at producing the .csv files, the script also looks for and flags various inconsistencies in the data, like age reversals or zero or negative sedimentation rates. In addition to the individual .csv files, one per site, the script also generates a “site-query” .csv file listing the information for each site, and a “data-query” .csv file of all of the charcoal data.

The script also rewrites the site list query into a .csv file for convenient sorting into regional subsets.

2 Set up folders and filenames

Set up folder paths and filenames for the various input and output data. Set the path to the Access database (.mdb) file.

dbname <- "GCDv03_Marlon_et_al_2015.mdb"

Create paths and folders for a) the query files, the individual .csv files, the sitelist .csv file.

# query label and path to query and query name
datapath <- "/Projects/GPWG/GPWGv3/GCDv3Data/v3i/"
querypath <- "/Projects/GPWG/GPWGv3/GCDv3Data/v3i/v3i_query/"

# if the query outpu folder does not exist, create it
dir.create(file.path(querypath), showWarnings=FALSE)

# query file names
querysitename <- "v3i_sites.csv"
querydataname <- "v3i_data.csv"
# path to .csv output
csvpath <- "/Projects/GPWG/GPWGv3/GCDv3Data/v3i/v3i_sites_csv/"
# if output folder does not exist, create it
dir.create(file.path(csvpath), showWarnings=FALSE)

# path to sitelist output
sitelistpath <- "/Projects/GPWG/GPWGv3/GCDv3Data/v3i/v3i_sitelists/"
# if output folder does not exist, create it
dir.create(file.path(sitelistpath), showWarnings=FALSE)

# sitelist output label
sitelistname <- "v3i_all"

Also create a “debug” or log file:

# debug/log file
debugpath <- "/Projects/GPWG/GPWGv3/GCDv3Data/v3i/v3i_debug/"
# if debug folder does not exist, create it
dir.create(file.path(debugpath), showWarnings=FALSE)
debugname <- "mdb-to-csv_debug.txt"
# open the debug/log file
debugfile <- file(paste(debugpath, debugname, sep=""), "w")

Other setup:

# setup
maxsites <- 2000
maxsamples <- 9000
miss <- -9999.0

3 Access database queries

3.1 Database connection setup

Note that the connection to the particular Access database (GCDv03_Marlon_et_al_2015.mdb) is established externally to R using (on Windows) the Data Sources tool (i.e. Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)). On the Mac, the Actual ODBC Driver for Access at http://www.actualtech.com/ works, but requires some configuration, as well as compilation of the RODBC package. See the code file mdb-to-csv_osx.R.

3.2 Connect to the database and get some info

Load the RODBC library and connect to the downloaded database. Get some basic information.

# load RODBC library and connect to the database
gcdv3.db <- odbcConnect(dbname)
##                          DBMS_Name                           DBMS_Ver                    Driver_ODBC_Ver 
##                           "ACCESS"                       "04.00.0000"                            "03.51" 
##                   Data_Source_Name                        Driver_Name                         Driver_Ver 
##     "GCDv03_Marlon_et_al_2015.mdb"                      "ACEODBC.DLL" "Microsoft Access database engine" 
##                           ODBC_Ver                        Server_Name 
##                       "03.80.0000"                           "ACCESS"

Check that the two queries are present in the database as views, and list their column names. (This is not really necessary, because he presence of the appropriate data can be verified simply by opeining the database.) The data are not in intrinsic tables in the database, but are defined using two queries, and and are externally available as table-like “views” The names of the queries, ALL_BART_SITES and ALL_BART_DATA are legacies of the workflow developed for analyzing the first two versions of the database.

# check for existence of database site and data views
sqlTables(gcdv3.db, tableName="ALL_BART_SITES", tableType="VIEW")
##                                                                           TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM
## 1 e:\\Projects\\GPWG\\GPWGv3\\GCDv3Data\\v3i\\v3i_mdb\\GCDv03_Marlon_et_al_2015.mdb        <NA>
## 1 ALL_BART_SITES       VIEW    <NA>
sqlColumns(gcdv3.db, "ALL_BART_SITES")$COLUMN_NAME
## [1] "ID_SITE"         "SITE_NAME"       "Expr1"           "Expr2"           "ELEV"           
sqlTables(gcdv3.db, tableName="ALL_BART_DATA", tableType="VIEW")
##                                                                           TABLE_CAT TABLE_SCHEM
## 1 e:\\Projects\\GPWG\\GPWGv3\\GCDv3Data\\v3i\\v3i_mdb\\GCDv03_Marlon_et_al_2015.mdb        <NA>
## 1 ALL_BART_DATA       VIEW    <NA>
sqlColumns(gcdv3.db, "ALL_BART_DATA")$COLUMN_NAME
## [1] "ID_SITE"         "PREF_UNITS"      "ID_SAMPLE"       "Expr1"           "EST_AGE"        
## [6] "QUANTITY"        "ID_DEPO_CONTEXT" "ID_STATUS"       "1ST_LEVEL"

Note that for the particular way the database was constructed, the variables LATITUDE and LONGITUDE in the site query and DEPTH in the data query are not correctly named. Those columns will be renamed after fetching the data.

3.3 Site and data queries

Use the sqlFetch() function to get the two tables. For the site query, convert SITE_NAME from a factor to a character string. Close the database when done.

# site query
site_query <- sqlFetch(gcdv3.db, "ALL_BART_SITES")
names(site_query)[3] <- "LATITUDE"; names(site_query)[4] <- "LONGITUDE"
site_query$SITE_NAME <- as.character(site_query$SITE_NAME)
## 1       1            Cygnet  44.6628 -110.6161 2530       X125            LASE      BART      INFL
## 2       2 Slough Creek Pond  44.9183 -110.3467 1884       X125            LASE      BART      INFL
## 3       3        Burnt Knob  45.7044 -114.9867 2250       X125            LASE      BART      INFL
## 4       4             Baker  45.8919 -114.2619 2300       X125            LASE      BART      INFL
## 5       5            Hoodoo  46.3206 -114.6503 1770       X125            LASE      BART      INFL
## 6       6           Pintlar  45.8406 -113.4403 1921       X125            LASE      BART      INFL
## 'data.frame':    736 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ ID_SITE        : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ SITE_NAME      : chr  "Cygnet" "Slough Creek Pond" "Burnt Knob" "Baker" ...
##  $ LATITUDE       : num  44.7 44.9 45.7 45.9 46.3 ...
##  $ LONGITUDE      : num  -111 -110 -115 -114 -115 ...
##  $ ELEV           : num  2530 1884 2250 2300 1770 ...
##  $ PREF_UNITS     : Factor w/ 132 levels "%125","%DWT",..: 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 ...
##  $ ID_DEPO_CONTEXT: Factor w/ 14 levels "ARCH","BOSE",..: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ...
##  $ ID_STATUS      : Factor w/ 1 level "BART": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ 1ST_LEVEL      : Factor w/ 5 levels "C0P0","CONC",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
#data query
data_query <- sqlFetch(gcdv3.db, "ALL_BART_DATA")
names(data_query)[4] <- "DEPTH"
## 1       1       X125         1  0.01   46.36    0.931            LASE      BART      INFL
## 2       1       X125        22  0.02   92.54    1.248            LASE      BART      INFL
## 3       1       X125        23  0.03  138.55    1.196            LASE      BART      INFL
## 4       1       X125        24  0.04  184.37    1.069            LASE      BART      INFL
## 5       1       X125        25  0.05  230.01    0.853            LASE      BART      INFL
## 6       1       X125        26  0.06  275.47    0.808            LASE      BART      INFL
## 'data.frame':    118832 obs. of  9 variables:
##  $ ID_SITE        : int  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ PREF_UNITS     : Factor w/ 132 levels "%125","%DWT",..: 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 ...
##  $ ID_SAMPLE      : int  1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ...
##  $ DEPTH          : num  0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 ...
##  $ EST_AGE        : num  46.4 92.5 138.6 184.4 230 ...
##  $ QUANTITY       : num  0.931 1.248 1.196 1.069 0.853 ...
##  $ ID_DEPO_CONTEXT: Factor w/ 14 levels "ARCH","BOSE",..: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ...
##  $ ID_STATUS      : Factor w/ 1 level "BART": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
##  $ 1ST_LEVEL      : Factor w/ 5 levels "C0P0","CONC",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ...
# close the database

4 Write query .csv files

Write out two “query” .csv files, one for the sites and one for the data. These may be examined, externally edited, or augmented by additional data.

# site .csv file
sitecsvpath <- "/Projects/GPWG/GPWGv3/GCDv3Data/v3i/v3i_query/"
write.csv(site_query, paste(sitecsvpath, querysitename, sep=""), row.names=FALSE)
# data .csv file
datacsvpath <- "/Projects/GPWG/GPWGv3/GCDv3Data/v3i/v3i_query/"
write.csv(data_query, paste(datacsvpath, querydataname, sep=""), row.names=FALSE)

Also write a .csv file of site locations and site names for easy editing to make site lists for regional queries:

# rewrite sitefile as .csv file for sorting by region and depositional context
sitelist <- data.frame(site_query$ID_SITE, site_query$LATITUDE, site_query$LONGITUDE, site_query$ELEV, 
  site_query$ID_DEPO_CONTEXT, site_query$SITE_NAME, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(sitelist) <- c("Site_ID", "Lat", "Lon", "Elev", "depo_context", "Site_Name")
##   Site_ID     Lat       Lon Elev depo_context         Site_Name
## 1       1 44.6628 -110.6161 2530         LASE            Cygnet
## 2       2 44.9183 -110.3467 1884         LASE Slough Creek Pond
## 3       3 45.7044 -114.9867 2250         LASE        Burnt Knob
## 4       4 45.8919 -114.2619 2300         LASE             Baker
## 5       5 46.3206 -114.6503 1770         LASE            Hoodoo
## 6       6 45.8406 -113.4403 1921         LASE           Pintlar
## 'data.frame':    736 obs. of  6 variables:
##  $ Site_ID     : int  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##  $ Lat         : num  44.7 44.9 45.7 45.9 46.3 ...
##  $ Lon         : num  -111 -110 -115 -114 -115 ...
##  $ Elev        : num  2530 1884 2250 2300 1770 ...
##  $ depo_context: Factor w/ 14 levels "ARCH","BOSE",..: 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ...
##  $ Site_Name   : chr  "Cygnet" "Slough Creek Pond" "Burnt Knob" "Baker" ...
sitelistfile <- paste(sitelistpath, sitelistname, ".csv", sep="")
write.table(sitelist, sitelistfile, row.names=FALSE, sep=",")

5 Parse the query

The main part of the script loops over the individual sites, and does various checks and calculations, including

  1. calculation of sedimentation rates and deposition times
  2. checking for age or depth reversals
  3. setting of various indicator variables and flags
  4. calculation of alternative quanties (e.g. influx, given concentrations)
  5. further checking for anomalies
  6. writing out a .csv file for each site

In the example here, only the first site is processed, although the script appears to loop over all sites.

5.1 Loop over sites

for (j in 1:maxsites) {

5.2 Extract the data for the j-th site from the query

Get the data for the j-th site using “square bracket” extraction:

  nsamp <- 0
  sitedata <- data_query[data_query$ID_SITE == j, ]
  nsamp <- length(sitedata$ID_SITE)

The first site, Cygnet L. contains 668 records:

## 1       1       X125         1  0.01   46.36    0.931            LASE      BART      INFL
## 2       1       X125        22  0.02   92.54    1.248            LASE      BART      INFL
## 3       1       X125        23  0.03  138.55    1.196            LASE      BART      INFL
## 4       1       X125        24  0.04  184.37    1.069            LASE      BART      INFL
## 5       1       X125        25  0.05  230.01    0.853            LASE      BART      INFL
## 6       1       X125        26  0.06  275.47    0.808            LASE      BART      INFL
## 663       1       X125       691  6.91 16585.48    0.091            LASE      BART      INFL
## 664       1       X125       692  6.92 16627.40    0.081            LASE      BART      INFL
## 665       1       X125       693  6.93 16669.50    0.052            LASE      BART      INFL
## 666       1       X125       694  6.94 16711.76    0.047            LASE      BART      INFL
## 667       1       X125       695  6.95 16754.19    0.099            LASE      BART      INFL
## 668       1       X125       696  6.96 16796.80    0.070            LASE      BART      INFL

5.3 Process the data for the j-th site

Define some local variables, and replace NA’s with a missing values code.

  if (nsamp > 0) {
    jchar <- as.character(j)
    nsampchar <- as.character(nsamp)
    writeLines(paste("Site",jchar,nsampchar,"samples", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    # local variables
    depth <- sitedata$DEPTH; age <- sitedata$EST_AGE; quant <- sitedata$QUANTITY
    depth[is.na(depth)] <- miss
    age[is.na(age)] <- miss
    quant[is.na(quant)] <- miss
    thickness <- rep(miss, nsamp); dep_time <- rep(miss, nsamp); sed_rate <- rep(miss, nsamp)
    unit_dep_time <- rep(miss, nsamp)
    xst_level <- as.character(sitedata[1,9])

5.3.1 Sedimentation rates and deposition times, missing values

The first (top) and last (bottom) samples require some fixing up in order to obtain “thickness” values used to calculate sedimentation rate as sample thickness divided by deposition time. Otherwise, thickness, sedimentation rate and deposition time for each sample are calculated using obvious approaches. Note the inline conversion of depths recorded in the database as metres, to centimetres, the standard devisor in the units of influx.

    # sed rate and deposition time
    # first (top) sample
    if (depth[1] != miss && depth[2] != miss) {
      thickness[1] <- (depth[2] - depth[1])*100.0 # meters to cm (depth in m, influx and conc in cm)
      dep_time[1] <- age[2] - age[1]
      if (dep_time[1] > 0.0) sed_rate[1] <- thickness[1]/dep_time[1]
      if (sed_rate[1] != miss) unit_dep_time[1] <- 1.0/sed_rate[1]
    # samples 2 to nsamp-1
    for (i in 2:(nsamp-1)) {
      if (depth[1] != miss && depth[2] != miss) {
        thickness[i] <- (depth[i+1] - depth[i])*100.0 
        dep_time[i] <- ((age[i+1] + age[i])/2.0) - ((age[i] + age[i-1])/2.0)
        if (dep_time[i] > 0.0) sed_rate[i] <- thickness[i]/dep_time[i]
        if (sed_rate[i] != miss) unit_dep_time[i] <- 1.0/sed_rate[i] 
    # last (bottom) sample
    if (depth[nsamp-1] != miss  && depth[nsamp] != miss) {
      thickness[nsamp] <- thickness[nsamp-1] # replicate thickness
      dep_time[nsamp] <- age[nsamp] - age[nsamp-1]
      sed_rate[nsamp] <- sed_rate[nsamp-1] # replicate sed_rate
      unit_dep_time[nsamp] <- unit_dep_time[nsamp-1]
##         age depth thickness dep_time   sed_rate unit_dep_time
## [1,]  46.36  0.01         1   46.180 0.02165440        46.180
## [2,]  92.54  0.02         1   46.095 0.02169433        46.095
## [3,] 138.55  0.03         1   45.915 0.02177937        45.915
## [4,] 184.37  0.04         1   45.730 0.02186748        45.730
## [5,] 230.01  0.05         1   45.550 0.02195390        45.550
## [6,] 275.47  0.06         1   45.375 0.02203857        45.375
##             age depth thickness dep_time   sed_rate unit_dep_time
## [663,] 16585.48  6.91         1   41.840 0.02390057        41.840
## [664,] 16627.40  6.92         1   42.010 0.02380386        42.010
## [665,] 16669.50  6.93         1   42.180 0.02370792        42.180
## [666,] 16711.76  6.94         1   42.345 0.02361554        42.345
## [667,] 16754.19  6.95         1   42.520 0.02351834        42.520
## [668,] 16796.80  6.96         1   42.610 0.02351834        42.520

It’s the case for this site that samples were taken as contiguous 1-cm samples, which explains why thickness values are always equal to 1.0.

Count non-missing values:

    # counts of missing values
    depth_count <- 0; age_count <- 0; quant_count <- 0; sed_rate_count <- 0; sed_rate_flag <- 1
    depth_count <- sum(depth != miss)
    age_count <- sum(age != miss)
    quant_count <- sum(quant != miss)
    sed_rate_count <- sum(sed_rate != miss)
    if (sed_rate_count != nsamp) sed_rateflag = 0
##      depth_count age_count quant_count sed_rate_count
## [1,]         668       668         668            668

5.3.2 Check for age or depth reversals

Check for age or depth reversals (sometime natural, but often related to mechanical and/or transcription errors). Because this is analysis of a finished or published data set, no warnings should be generated. In pratice, for “new” versions of a database, several iterations will be requred to clean everything up.

    # check for age or depth reversals, and zero or negative sed rates (in nonmissing data)
    depth_reversal <- 0; age_reversal <- 0; sed_rate_zeroneg <- 0         
    for (i in 2:nsamp) {
      if (age[i] != miss && age[i-1] != miss && age[i] <= age[i-1]) age_reversal=1
      if (depth[i] != miss && depth[i-1] != miss) {
        if (depth[i] <= depth[i-1]) depth_reversal=1
    for (i in 2:nsamp) {
      if (sed_rate[i] != miss && sed_rate[i] <= 0.0) sed_rate_zeroneg=1
##      depth_reversal age_reversal sed_rate_zeroneg
## [1,]              0            0                0

5.3.3 Set and write out various flags

Check for various issues like partial records, age reversals, and so on, and write notes into the debug file.

# set and write out various flags
    if (depth_count != 0 && depth_count != nsamp) {
      writeLines(paste("**** has a missing depth when some are nonmissing", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    if (age_count != 0 && age_count != nsamp) {
      writeLines(paste("**** has a missing age when some are nonmissing", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    if (quant_count != 0 && quant_count != nsamp) {
      writeLines(paste("**** has a missing quantity when some are nonmissing", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    if (sed_rate_count != 0 && sed_rate_count != nsamp) {
      writeLines(paste("**** has a missing sed rate when some are nonmissing", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    if (depth_reversal != 0) {
      writeLines(paste("**** has a depth reversal", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    if (age_reversal != 0) {
      writeLines(paste("**** has an age reversal", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    if (sed_rate_zeroneg != 0) {
      writeLines(paste("**** has zero or negative sed rates", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")

5.3.4 Get alternative quantities

The next step is to get alternative quantities for each record, i.e. if the records for a particular site are influx values, get concentrations, and if the records are concentrations, get influx. For charcoal:pollen ratios (C0P0), treat the data as though they were concentrations. Where no translations are possible, simply copy the data.

# alternative quantities
    conc <- rep(miss, nsamp); influx <- rep(miss, nsamp)
    influx_source <- rep("none", nsamp) ; conc_source <- rep("none", nsamp)
    # select case based on xst_level
    if (xst_level == "INFL")          # adopt influx values as they are, calculate concentration
      influx <- quant
      influx_source <- "data"
      if (influx != miss && unit_dep_time != miss && sed_rate != 0.0) {
        conc <- influx * unit_dep_time
        conc_source <- "calculated from influx "
      } else {
        conc <- quant
        conc_source <- "copied from quant "
      writeLines("INFL", con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    else if (xst_level == "CONC")     # calculate influx, adopt conc values as they are
      conc <- quant
      conc_source <- "data"
      if (conc != miss && sed_rate != miss && sed_rate != 0.0) {
        influx <- quant * sed_rate
        influx_source <- "calculated from conc "
      } else {
        influx <- quant
        influx_source <- "copied from quant "
      writeLines("CONC", con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    else if (xst_level == "C0P0")     # assume quantity is concentration like
      conc <- quant
      conc_source <- "C0P0"
      if (sed_rate != miss && sed_rate != 0.0) {
        influx <- quant * sed_rate
        influx_source <- "calculated from C0P0 (conc) "
      } else {
        influx <- quant
        influx_source <- "copied from quant "
      writeLines("C0P0", con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    else if (xst_level == "SOIL")     # just copy
      conc <- quant
      conc_source <- "copied from quant "
      influx <- quant
      influx_source <- "copied from quant "
      writeLines("SOIL", con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
    else if (xst_level == "OTHE")     # just copy
      conc <- quant
      conc_source <- "copied from quant "
      influx <- quant
      influx_source <- "copied from quant "
      writeLines("OTHE", con = debugfile, sep = "\n")
      conc <- quant
      conc_source <- "copied from quant "
      influx <- quant
      influx_source <- "copied from quant "
      writeLines("Unknown", con = debugfile, sep = "\n")

The results look like the following:

##   site0001 id_sample depth est_age   sed_rate quant     conc influx xst_level             conc_source
## 1        1         1  0.01   46.36 0.02165440 0.931 42.99358  0.931      INFL calculated from influx 
## 2        2        22  0.02   92.54 0.02169433 1.248 57.52656  1.248      INFL calculated from influx 
## 3        3        23  0.03  138.55 0.02177937 1.196 54.91434  1.196      INFL calculated from influx 
## 4        4        24  0.04  184.37 0.02186748 1.069 48.88537  1.069      INFL calculated from influx 
## 5        5        25  0.05  230.01 0.02195390 0.853 38.85415  0.853      INFL calculated from influx 
## 6        6        26  0.06  275.47 0.02203857 0.808 36.66300  0.808      INFL calculated from influx 
##   influx_source
## 1          data
## 2          data
## 3          data
## 4          data
## 5          data
## 6          data

5.3.5 Further checks

Check for and report instances where influx values are 0.0 everywhere.

  # check for influx == 0.0 everywhere
  nzero <- 0
  nzero <- sum(influx != 0.0)
  if (nzero == 0) {
    writeLines(paste("**** has no non-zero influx values", sep=" "), con = debugfile, sep = "\n")

5.3.6 Write out the .csv file

Then, for each site, assemble the appropriate data, and write out a .csv file for the current site:

  # .csv out
  if (nsamp > 0 && nzero > 0) {

    # get siteid string
    siteidchar <- as.character(j)
    if (j >= 1) siteid <- paste("000", siteidchar, sep="")
    if (j >= 10) siteid <- paste("00", siteidchar, sep="")
    if (j >= 100) siteid <- paste("0", siteidchar, sep="")
    if (j >= 1000) siteid <- paste(    siteidchar, sep="")
    sitehdr <- paste("site", siteid, sep="")
    # assemble output data and write it out
    samplenum <- seq(1:nsamp)
    outdata <- data.frame(samplenum,sitedata$ID_SAMPLE, depth, age, sed_rate, quant, conc, 
      influx, xst_level, conc_source, influx_source)
    names(outdata) <- c(sitehdr, "id_sample", "depth", "est_age", "sed_rate", "quant", "conc",
      "influx", "xst_level", "conc_source", "influx_source" )
    csvfile <- paste(csvpath,siteid,"_data.csv", sep="")
    write.csv(outdata, csvfile, row.names=FALSE)

Bottom of loop, close debug file

